Chapter 4

751 17 1

3rd Person Pov

Mandy awoke in (y/n)'s arms 

How she was sleeping:

"What period is it?" (y/n) looked at her watch

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"What period is it?" (y/n) looked at her watch. "12:15" She nodded leaning against her. "Go back to sleep. "You're to tired to get up right now." She started rubbing her hair making Mandy yawn. "N-No...I have to go to class and get" She fell asleep snoring a little. "(y/n) smiled and kissed her head. She felt her self falling asleep. She yawned and closed her eyes wrapping on arm around Mandy's waist while the other was under her head. She nusled in and closed her eyes feeling sleep take over her. She only got ten minuets of sleep when her phone vibrated. She sighed in annoyance and picked it up. There were at least 50 text messages from Jason. 

J: Dude! We've been waiting for an hour! Get out here already!

She sighed taking a picture of Mandy and sent it to Jason. 

You: Does it look like I can right now?

J: To Shay my friend To Shay

(y/n) chuckled and texted him again. 

(y/n): Go to class or stay out their...I wont be for a while." 

J: Alright I'll tell the others. 

(y/n): Ok

She turned off her phone making sure the ringer was off and fell back asleep. They slept for two hours hearing giggling. Both Mandy and (y/n) slowly woke up. They looked in front of them seeing Billy and Erwin Taking Pictures of them. Mandy growled and punched Billy in the face sending him falling on his back. She picked up one of the pictures ripping it in half making Erwin gulped and walk backwards. "I-I mean no harm!" She rolled her eyes walking past him and towards the girls locker room. She slowly changed out of the white T and black shorts and came out wearing her usual pink dress with  a flower on it. She walked down the stairs silently leaving everyone in the room confused. "Great dumb-a$$e$....You made her angry. She picked Billy up by his shirt and dragged him down the stairs with Erwin following behind. She dragged Billy to class holding a ripped piece of paper in her pocket. When the bell rang, She stayed there for a few minuets tapping the paper back together writing a little something on it. She smiled and picked Billy up again taking him to there next class but stopped a a certain locker. She picked the lock opening it and taped it on the inside of the locker and closed it back up and continued dragging him to their next class. Mandy sighed looking at her folder which she didn't dare to open. "Mandy! Open you're book and read with the class!" Mandy looked up at the teacher slowly glaring. "I am not in the mood for this...So don't tell me what to do." She walked back to her desk and told the class to read on. The bell rang signaling the kids to go to lunch. She packed her bags slowly and waited for everyone to leave. She stood up and walked out giving the teacher a final stare and walked out and towards her locker. She opened it and put her books in. She turned and noticed the picture. She took it off the locker and smiled. It was the picture she ripped of her and (y/n) asleep and the following words written in red. "I really like this picture...Don't you?" she smiled not seeing the orange haired female walking towards her. She snatched the picture from out of her hand and laughed. "What's this? Huh Mandy?" She looked at the picture and her smile turned into a frown. "Excuse me?! What is this?!" She looked at Mandy about to yell only to get punched in the face. She flew back and fell on the floor. Mandy walked over to her picking up the picture. She spat in her face and closed her locker walking towards the cafeteria. She grabbed her tray of food and turned around seeing Billy with a bleeding nose. Erwin looking quiet nervous in his seat as Jason and Micheal looked at him with smirks on their faces. Jeremiah looked like he was rehearsing a play while Jason looked around nervously with his two different colored eyes scanned the cafeteria. Jaydin and Jaylene were patting (y/n)'s back as she had her head on the table. Mandy walked over gaining everyone's attention. The twins shook (y/n) making her groan and sit up. She had a red spot on her forehead making you think she banged her head over and over again on a table. She turned towards Mandy and paused. She scooted pass Jeremiah and the twins and sat down next to her. She grabbed her sandwich and slid the picture towards her. (y/n) looked at it and smirked. "So..Does this mean your into me?" Mandy scoffed and rolled her eyes making (y/n) laugh. She kissed (y/n)'s cheek making her blush. "I guess I am." 

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