After Breaking Dawn: My Story - Ch. 1-3 t.b.c

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I opened my eyes, after all they were only shut for forty-two minutes. Another dream like thought

had entered my mind again through the passing night, this was the thirteenth time the so called

dream has entered my mind throughout the past month. A boy, swimming, or was he sinking?

I want to help him, encourage him, but should I? This wasn't something normal, I need to focus

on sharing my mind with Charlisle - I know Edward would stress over it - while Charlisle would

be fascinated and work this out with me. There is obviously something that needs to be done or

I wouldn't be going through this strange phase.

"For you, momma." Renesmee cheerfully sang as she poked her tiny arm full of hand picked

dandelions through the opening of our bedroom door.

"How beautiful, Nessie. You never cease to surprise me." I chimed.

"Astonishingly, she often surprises me as well." Edward amusingly mentioned as he stuck his

head in the opening along with our daughters arm.

"Daddy and I went on a hike this morning momma, we met some new friends." She said as she

smoothly made it through the half opened door and leaped to my side. Edward and I exchanged a

glance but nothing about his expression seemed worrisome.

"Can I show you all about it, momma?"

"Of course , I'm intrigued by your adventure. Please share." I replied with a slight smile as Renesmee

reached for my cheek.

Sun, the scent of fresh grass, bark, aging leaves on the ground but young leaves above. Chasing

rabbits, they're fast and unpredictable, but not as fast and unpredictable as Nessie. A final leap to

the top of the cliff, beauty, wind and curiosity. But wait, what's that? Daddy sees it too, he looks serious,

but is he smiling? He knows something I don't as usual.

"Daddy are they like us?" I asked.

"Yes, Renesmee. They are curious about us too, they are considering greeting us." He replied.

"They want to be friends?" I continued.

"You could say that, I think they just want information but they have no wrong intentions."

The vision left as I sat up too fast for human eyes to comprehend.

"You included our daughter into a possibly disastrous attempt of a conversation..?" I growled,

attempting to shriek. Edward only smiled, flashing his perfectly positioned gleaming teeth.

"Let her continue, won't you?" He replied.

Renesmee giggled. "I told you she would do that daddy!"

"Alright, let's see the rest of your story Renesmee." I requested calmly.

The sweet smell of bear blood, dirt from another continent and possibly human clothing.

"Hello, there." A tall bronze toned man waved about seventy yards away with a young teenage boy

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