Chapter 3

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Michael Jackson unboards the plane that has just arrived

at gate 7 at LAX (Los Angeles InternationalAirport). He's

nervous but excited too. Following everyone else to the

luggage area. Michael only had one small bag. Once he got

his bag he left and followed those who were there on visa's

and passports to a huge desk with many people sitting behind

little windows. The lines were long and crowded with many

languages. None, however did Michael recognize. The French

dialect he did and the Italian, but Michael truly had no

idea what they were saying.

Looking around at the inside of the huge Los Angeles Airport's

main inner sanctium. There were shops and food courts and all

kinds of things and people. Michael watched as the lines moved

slowly. He was trying to see if anything was familiar in lang-

uage but nothing was. Biting his lip he waited for his turn.

The more Michael waited however, the more nervous he became.

Finally it was his turn....


Michael looked at the woman at the counter. "Next!" He

didn't understand what she was saying. "Sir? Next you!

Come here!" Motioning with her finger. Michael stepped

up to the window. "Je suis un paisanu, ùn capiscu micca any-

cosa. Ùn vi parla Crouse?" (I'm sorry, I do not understand

anything. Do you speak Crouse?) "Passport and Visa? What is

the nature of your stay?" The woman at the customs desk said.

"Ùn capiscu micca. I parlà Crouse. ùn qualchidunu di parlà

chì quì?" (I don't understand. I speak Crouse. Doesn't any-

one speak that here?) She looked at Michael but did not

understand what he was saying either. "Excuse me sir? Where

are you going? What is your name?" A word Michael recognized,

"Name Michael Jackson." Michael smiled and held his hand

to his chest. "Name Michael Jackson." "You're Michael Jackson?"

"Name Michael Jackson." The customs woman who's name tag

read Wilters held up a small sample passport and pointed to

it and then to Michael. "Oh iè !! Iè! Aghju. Aspettate!

Aspettate!" (Oh yes!! Yes! I have. Wait! Wait!) He holds up

a finger. Then pulls it from his pockets. Handing it to the

woman. She enters the number in the computer system.


An alarm sounded and flashing red lights began to blink

off and on and men with guns came down and circled around

Michael. He was scared. Michael had no idea what happened

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