Chapter 1 - Merica

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This is a re-uploaded version of this chapter, with some vital plot thingus, so please read!!! xx

Mericas' P.O.V

Merica looked around nervously, breathing in the stale stench of blood and flesh. She readied her knife, she could hear them around the corner, they were coming. Their rusty groans filled the silence with a scent of fear, fear and determination to kill. Merica leapt out of her position behind the crate, plunging the knife deep into the first ones neck, cutting off communication to the brain. The second one walked around the corner, she grabbed its arm, flung it backwards and ended with throwing it headfirst into the ground. The rest came in a hoard, moaning and reaching out to try and get her. She dodged them easily, swiftly stabbing each of them in the back of the neck, once again cutting off communication with the brain. After about 5 minutes they had all properly died and their rotting corpses creating a pile of flesh around her. She wiped her brow and wedged her knife in between her belt, in a sort of makeshift holster, picking up her backpack as she did so. It wasn't safe here anymore, they had found her and this was only the first few of them, more would be coming sooner or later.

Merica stepped out of the small alcove in-between two walls and turned right, heading away from the city, hopefully towards safer ground. Merica didn't really know where she was going; she had no immediate family that she knew of, her parents had both died in a house fire when she was 5 and they never mentioned any aunts or uncles. She didn't even have any friends; she was quite antisocial and grew up in a small orphanage in the back-lots of the city. Many people came and "viewed" her for adoption, but no one ever said they wanted to take her home, she supposed she was just too different from the normal-angelic people the prospective parents expected. The people that worked there hated her and treated her horribly when they found she was upset and when she acted hysterically; they forced her into therapy sessions, locked her in white rooms till she calmed down, even called doctors in to give her pills. She hated the orphanage more than anything in the world.

As she thought of the orphanage she shuddered, she'd spent long, cold nights, listening to the other children laugh and make fun of her. The only kind face she remembered was Mrs Harrison. She was a tall and broad woman, with a booming laugh. She used to bring Merica things to do, toys to play with, coloured pens that need organising, Merica figured that the only reason she hadn't gone insane in that place was because of Mrs Harrison. But then one day Mrs Harrison left, that was the day before the apocalypse started. Merica hoped she was ok, she hoped she was surviving ok, or at least that she didn't suffer when, and if, she died.

Flashback, Z day, and the day Merica left the Orphanage.

The wind blew softly around the door of the orphanage as a small figure stepped out onto the porch. The figure stepped off the porch and into the dim, flickering, street light and started to silently walk down the street, ignoring the now frantic calls from the inside of the building. "What's the point in staying there?" The figure thought to herself. She had been there for so long, and no one wanted her, might as well walk away. She pulled out a small piece of candy from a white paper bag in her pocket. As she munched on the candy she walked down the street, kicking stones into the drain. Merica didn't pay much attention to the people she passed on the street, although she shouldâve; only when she stopped outside a late night bar and heard the news report flicker in her ears did she realise something was wrong. The news reporter was saying things like 'Go home! Undead rampaging the streets! Believed to be the failed experiment of a German scientist, Doctor Fynn Bauers' 'test 0' escaped and has been spreading a deadly disease throughout the world". Merica was shocked to hear these words, undead? That could only mean one thing, zombies, real life, flesh eating, zombies.

-End flashback-

From then on Merica had been running, trying to stay alive. She'd killed many of the zombies already, but they just kept coming for her, no matter how far she went they followed. She hid in abandoned houses, anywhere that was safe or could be easily defended. She stole food - if it was even still classified as stealing - from empty shops and houses, in order to survive. It was a tough life, living in a zombie apocalypse, although she wasn't sure if it was really a zombie apocalypse, more like brain-dead cannibals. They seemed to be blind; they only came towards her if she made a loud enough noise or some kind of echo. Because of this it was fairly easy to walk through a crowd of them, as long as you could walk silently and not bump into them.

Merica looked around again, hoping no zombies were nearby, and continued down the empty road out of the city. She pulled a stale muesli bar out of her bag and began to quietly nibble on it. As she came up to the crossroad she placed it back in the bag, and redied her knife, just in case there was any little friends around the corner waiting to eat her. She peered round, heart pounding, and looked for zombies. Thankfully the street was empty, with only bloodstains to show any sign of zombies ever being there. She began to place the knife back in its holster when she heard a loud scream in the distance. Although she knew one of the main rules of surviving an apocalypse (if you hear a human scream, chances are there are zombies, so stay away) but she was lonely, and if there was any chance that she could save whoever was being hurt she wanted to try.

Running up the road she could see who had screamed. It was a boy, about   her age, with matted brown hair. He was holding a wooden plank and trying to fend off two zombies, Merica giggled, she thought it was going to be hard to save him.

"Oi! You there! Get out the way!"  Merica yelled from behind a wall. The boy turned around and ducked as Merica threw two well-aimed rocks at the zombies' heads and then jumped out from the box, careful not to make too much noise. She ran up to them, jumping over the boy, and sliced them both in the neck. They fell to the ground with a satisfying thud, twitched slightly and then fell still.  The boy stood up and turned to face her. He had bright blue eyes, a bloody green t-shirt and brown cargo pants, and he was covered in dirt. He had a scared expression on his face, not seeming to grasp what had just happened. Merica smiled and introduced herself, shaking his hand firmly as she did so. He smiled weakly then thanked her for saving him.

"So, what's your name?" asked Merica kindly, noticing he was still trembling.

"It's...It's Kyle, Kyle Marron"

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