6 Eclipse

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The clearing was small, barely large enough for this American helicopter let alone a Russian one. As the altimeter crawled closer to zero, the brush beneath the helicopter bent away from the propeller wash. The men were tired, a raid and an aerial dogfight within the span of an hour take a heavy toll on a man. The helicopter was also damaged too, if it wasn't, they could be in Cambodia by now.

"Everyone out, we need to start our hike if we want to get out of America's reach," Radimir said. He knew the men were tired, but the American's would definitely be on their trail by now. "Regnof, make sure they don't find any evidence here. Yevgeniy, Vasiliy, go ahead, clear a path and radio back when all has been checked. Czcibor, where are we?"

Czcibor immediately ran up, you do not make Radimir wait on you, along with an unfolded map.

"We're in a small valley a hundred twenty-five kilometers west-northwest of Nha Trang. We have a nearby Vietcong outpost we can visit for supplies."

"How far?"

"Only ten kilometers."

"Good. Men, I know you are tired, but if we want to get out alive we'll definitely have another fight coming up. Luckily, this will be a breeze. Guerillas are nothing compared to the capitalist Marines."


"How many units do we have looking for them?"

Ericsson hadn't slept in almost twenty-four hours. His eyes were bloodshot and he stumbled around the command center. Noone told him he should sleep because even after two days awake, Ericsson could still put a bullet in between your eyes at five hundred yards. With a good rifle, of course.

"We have three squadrons of three HueyCobras searching the jungle nearby with support from a squadron of A-4s and your Sppoky. No ground units are available due to fighting up north, but we will have some Vietnamese soldiers patrolling once some become available."

"God, we're never going to find these guys. They're definitely not Vietcong. Too professional. They can't be Chinese either. They must be Soviets. There's no denying it, but don't tell anyone I told you. If this gets out to the press, we'll be dealing rednecks back home calling for a nuclear strike on the Kremlin."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2012 ⏰

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