Chapter One.

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It had been nearly a thousand years since she took her first breath. Tonight was her night. Faye Lucian was no longer a child and had not been one for a very long time. As much as she would have loved to remain hidden in the nooks and crannies of her bedroom, her father refused to let the event pass unacknowledged. Weeks upon weeks of preparation for the evening had been lingering over her shoulders. It was enough to make her sick to her stomach. The thought of standing before hundreds of people was nerve-racking enough, let alone standing before hundreds of witches and warlocks who looked at you with nothing but seething jealousy and spite.

Nevertheless, tonight was special.

Her dress trailed behind her like a satin waterfall, cascading down every curve and crevice of her body. Her pale skin blended almost perfectly into the fabric. Her hair shimmered a bright hue as it gracefully fell to the middle of her back. The only dark thing about the girl was her eyes, the purest brown anyone could conjure. The oncoming chill of December did nothing to faze the girl from her mission to make her father proud.

Attendance of all was mandatory, no matter where they were settled. No one dared to refuse the invitation; they all knew what Althazar was capable of. He brought them into the worlds, he could just as easily extinguish them.

The castle was lively, with music echoing through the corridors and light pouring out the windows and doors. There was nothing but laughter and constant chatter. It had been quite a while since the guests had all been in the same location at once. Not a single person was left out of the many conversations happening. All except for one person.

The night had just started. Witches and warlocks from all corners of the worlds were still arriving. The young witch made her way through the slowly growing crowd, avoiding the possibility of communicating with anyone and ignoring any glances that were shot her way.

Selfishly, she never enjoyed the existence of other beings like her in the world. She longed to be the only witch with Althazar by her side. She dreamed of a world in which she and her father ruled as the most powerful beings. No war, no suffering. Nothing but peace and happiness spread across the land of every world. Faye's hopes and dreams were crushed almost immediately. Althazar loved each and every witch as if they were his own children. It took many eons for him to create his family. He warned Faye away from her stubbornness, refusing to hear a single mutter of her idea. The girl reluctantly kept her wishes to herself with no intentions of upsetting him again. Although she never came to terms with the life laid out in front of her, she was incredibly naïve to the most important fact.

In a lonely silence, Faye found her way to a balcony in the west wing. Untouched by the party, a heavy blanket of snow covered the stone terrace. It was early December and a fresh blizzard had just recently passed through the land. The snow continued to fall around her, quickly concealing the footsteps behind her. She placed her hand atop the ledge and a bolt of electricity surged through her, making her toes and her fingers tingle. The feeling warmed her, as though she had a million butterflies fighting in the pit of her stomach. Standing in the cold with snow slowly littering her body, she had never felt warmer.

The tingling sensation started in her toes. It crawled up her legs, coursing through her veins at an incomprehensible speed until it reached her fingertips. Stretching her digits did nothing to sedate the feeling and it continued to climb further up her chest. The girl tilted her head back towards the darkened sky, eyes falling closed. Her neck, her cheeks. The tingling sent one final chill down her spine until the warmth inside of her exploded and the falling snow came to a halt, stilling the night.

Faye had discovered at a young age that she could control the cold elements. Althazar trained with her endlessly in the beginning, ecstatic over the discovery. He had constantly told his child stories of how every witch and warlock had developed one specific power to help their endeavors. He wanted her to excel in her journey, but years of research turned her head the other way.

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