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“I came here wanting to kill you.”

Though his shoulders were wide enough to

bear a small vehicle on them, his expression

was confused, as though he was unsure of what

he’d gotten himself into. “But I can’t imagine

harming you, and it kills me to see what I’ve

done to you already.”

Ravin lunged across the bed and smacked

Nikolaus across the forehead. Expecting to

again be pinned by the vampire, she knelt there

defiantly, fist raised.

Never had she been so close to a vampire and

not had him either attack or flee.

He lashed his tongue to wipe away a trickle of

blood that stained his lip.

Oh, of all that could go wrong. The odor of

rosemary and ash that she had used in the love

spell clung to her hair. Ravin remembered

clearly now. The entire contents of the vial had

spilled over her and, thanks to her magic, had

absorbed instantly through her pores to course

through her bloodstream.

“You don’t love me,” she muttered. “You’re

under a love spell.”

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