Chapter 5

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The Present

He laid the witch on the end of a king-size bed that mastered

the whitewashed floorboards in the bedroom. A thick white

comforter cradled her as if she were an angel resting on a

cloud. A bloody angel that he’d…not killed.

Nikolaus straightened abruptly. He smoothed a palm over

his face and drew it down his chin. You almost killed her.

But he hadn’t.

Why didn’t you kill her?

Ravin Crosse, this…witch? Vampires and witches were


What the hell?

Fists formed. Nikolaus hissed through his teeth. Rage

emerged and flooded his system. Stalking the floor from door

towall, he resisted the urge to growl, to howl out his frustration.

She lay there, inert, her hair splayed, black curls across

white. Silent. Unable to lash out, to fight, to challenge him.

This was the witch who had once injured him so badly he

had touched death. His heart had stopped. He’d had to feed

on a friend to survive.

Heat flushed Nikolaus’s neck and shoulders, and filled

him from skull to fingertips to heels. A storm of vengeance

raged for release, but—

This felt different. Unusual.

For where the rage should have felt substantial and insistent

and uncontrollable, it merely settled, and became an emotional

reaction Nikolaus had not touched for what seemed like ages.

Heartbeats quieted. Fisted fingers snapped open. Anxiety

fled, softening the thick tension holding his neck stiff.

He bent over the body sprawled across the bed, his palms

sinking deep into the plush down quilt.

This witch, this gorgeous woman, deserved—

He swept his head lower, over her face, but stopped short

of touching her mouth with his. Blood coated her neck. It

smelled different. Not like mortal blood. There lingered an

odd herbal aroma to it. Before, the scent of rosemary had come

to him, but it had changed. This scent was organic. Cherry?

Or musk and then…cloves? Nikolaus couldn’t place it.

Curiosity held him over the bed, the tips of his dark hair

sweeping across her bloodied neck and chest. Swiping a forefinger

through the blood, he observed the crimson glisten

near a lamp that glowed at the head of the bed.

So deadly this small drop of life should be. It had once

eaten through him, literally, to his heart. It had rendered dead

six of the tribe Kila in less than five minutes.

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