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me and Clara arrived at my home when we wnet there dad said "u two living room NOW!!" i flinched by his sudden scream and was shaking Clara noticed and held my hand tight i felt safe with her ,, we went to the living room annd sat on the couch i heard Uncle Louis Screaming and dad trying to calm him down now Clara was shaking the rest of rhe boys who i realized they were at our house came asking what happened dad looked at us and then said "Joanna and Clara i think the two of u have to tell the boys what happened" i just nodded and clara started saying "we were walking down the hall when a girl called me and Joanna emo's" i continued "and we couldn't take it anymore so we slapped her but Br. Brown didn't see exept the part where we slapped here so we really didn't do anything we were just defending ourselves" all boys had shocked faces but then angry then it softened Harry came to the couch and sat on the floor and asked us "are u girls bullied at school bec. of ur hair and clothes???" this question made me and Clara freeze in our place i shooke my head and said "N-No pffttt never happened" i could tell that he didn't believe me but just let it go ,, my dad and uncle Louis finally decided a punishment Uncle Louis said "u two are going to be grounded for a week" me and Clara looked at eachother shocked bec. we had a party tonight i just groaned Uncle Louis continued saying "no laptop or seeing eachother phones are fine as u two were defending ur self" we sighted in relief and went to them and apologize they accepted it then Uncle Louis Took Clara and went put of the door i waved to clara dad said "UR ROOM NOW!!!!" i nodded and went upstairs to my room and sat on my window chair i texted Clara

(C-clara J-joanna)

J : heyyy

C : hiii

J : we r still going to the party tonight right ???

C : ofcourse

J : ok see ya tonight gotta get ready bye :*

C : bye

by that i just put my Iphone on the bed i went downstairs anf asked the boys "were is mummy??" they looked at me and dad said thet she was travelling for 3 months i was shocked "THREE MONTHS THREE FUCKING MONTHS AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN SAY GOOD BYE WORST MOTHER EVER" dad looke at the ground a tear left his eyes at this point i didn't care i went upstairs to my room and slept i woke up after two hours looked at the clock it was 10:00 the party starts 11:30 thank God it was late cuzz the boys are probaby going to sleep in quarter an hour i went downstairs and said good night and after quarter an hour when i heard 4 doors closed (Louis had his own apartment)  i got dressed in a slutty black dress thet ended just under my butt and snuck out of the window

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