Call to the True Men (Poem)

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We were here, we are here

The land we were born

The place where we bloom

More than to see than concrete

In fact, we see it everywhere

Stronger than each home’s walls

It is its foundation

The people standing it

Is one, I think?

Yes, physically

But in heart, is it?

I know, we know

The meaning behind

The stars,

The sun,

 And the red and blue colors

Of our beloved flag

But if you don’t know

Do you love the country behind our flag?

That’s the only thing to save your ignorance.

From Lapu-lapu until Efren Peñaflorida

They waved our pride

And let the whole world see

The beauty of where we grew.

Will it stop from Efren?

Or will it continue from every minute’s

Last born’s children’s children?

I hope, reader, you’re thinking.

Our heroes gave everything

Even their precious soul

And their happiest future memories

They should have beguiled.

They protected our motherland

From otherland’s men.

But what happened today?

We seem to be like them—

Dominating each land

To seek power

Just for their country’s growth.

We can do what they can do, yes.

We are just afraid to do it.

We don’t need their help.

We don’t have to give our trust.

It’s our country, not theirs

They have no right to get it

From us, True Filipinos of April 28, 2014.

Yes, we don’t need them.

I hope this poem would be in the notes of


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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