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"You know this isn't healthy, right?" Addison says with a slight frown on her face.

Jessie mirror her expression and looks down to her now cold coffee sitting on the table. "I know."

"Then why are you letting this keep going?" Addison exclaims, her eyes widening. "He doesn't love you, Jessie. You're only going to be hurting yourself."

Embarrassed slightly, Jessie rests her elbow on the wood and covers her mouth with the palm of her hand, looking the other way. In a quiet mutter, she says, "Because maybe he does like me."

Her friend squints her eyes and scrunches her face. "What was that? You know how much I hate when you mumble."

"I said, we aren't even at love yet. We've only started, and maybe-"

"Maybe what? Maybe he will love you? Maybe he'll start opening his eyes and see that you're the one for him?" Addison scoffs. "Open your own goddamn eyes."

Jessie's heart sinks. She's never been one to talk loud or much at all, due to her quiet nature, but a frown draws itself across her lips. "Let's not talk about this anymore."

But she knows. She knows exactly how much she's being used to keep her own love happy. She knows that she'll be the only person getting hurt, and she knows that there are always going to be excuses. She knows that there's someone else on his mind.

Jessie Thomas knows she's a rebound for Louis Tomlinson.

But she can't help herself because the more she knows she has to pull away, she wants to spend more time with him until it really is over. And though that isn't healthy at all, she really can't help herself. But would you be able to? If loved and wanted someone so much?

"How are your parents?" Jessie changes the subject.

Addison shrugs. "I haven't talked to them since last week. They haven't bothered to check up on me."

Jessie nods and starts chewing the inside of her lip. Addison begins to go on a rant about how her family doesn't ever seem to care where she's going in life, and Jessie, to the best to of her abilities, help her.

It's always been a thing where Jessie would give the best advice and Addison would critize Jessie's choices. It isn't the best way to tell someone what they're doing is wrong, and Jessie doesn't like it, but she knows her best friend is right and she knows that the only person who can give her the realist help would be herself- besides Louis, of course, but how would he be able to help in this sticky situation?

She doesn't know how it happened. One minute, she was slowly falling for Louis and watching him from afar- stuck in the "best-friend-zone"- as he was busy with his girlfriend, Eleanor, and the next he came crying to her about the big breakup. Things the days after starting happening quickly leading it to another relationship, having a very obvious rebound.

Of course, Jessie didn't believe anyone or even notice until she had started taking people's words into consideration and seeing it. She even searched up online 'How to know if you're a rebound' because she became so unsure.

Louis wouldn't want to intentionally hurt anyone, and Jessie knows this. That's why she isn't putting the blame on anyone but herself. Okay, maybe just a little bit on Louis, too. If he wasn't so damn perfect she wouldn't be in this mess.

Addison leaves Jessie alone after a while due to work, leaving Jessie alone with her own thoughts. Who knew how miserable relationships could make someone feel? She never understood that. She always thought you'd control your own happiness, not the people who surround you.

Blowing air from her pursed lips, she leans back in her seat and closes her eyes for a second.


Jessie didn't plan on going to Louis' house after the same conversation with Addison, but her heavy thoughts are weighed her down and only Louis can help lift them up. Even if he doesn't know what's going on.

Hesitantly, she raises her fist to knock on the large wooden door. The nauseous feeling still fills in her empty stomach. She can never get used to being around her crush. Jessie always told herself she felt like a teenage girl crushing on someone from school, arising that same feeling in your stomach.

Before Jessie has time to disclose her thoughts, the door opens wide revealing a Louis. His hair's in its usual messy look, and he has sweats and his favourite shirt on. A goofy smile spreads across his face as he moves over a bit to let her in. "Hey, Jes."

Jessie returns a smile, immediately feeling a weight lifting off her shoulders. "Hi, Louis."

"I was just watching a film, we can start it over if you want," He says, closing the door behind her.

She shakes her head. "No, it's okay. What movie?"

"An Atoide? I'm not sure what it's called, it's in Irish." Louis shrugs and grabs the remote.

Jessie raises her eyebrows and gives off a chuckle. "Look at you, watching Irish films."

"I heard bilingual people are intelligent."

"You don't need to be bilingual to be intelligent. You're Louis."

"Look at you being nice," He smirks. A shy smile spreads across Jessie's face. "It means The Tide, I think. Really intense."

"What's it about?" She takes a seat on his couch and grabs a handful of the popcorn sitting in the bowl on the coffee table.

Louis hums. "I can't understand Irish. Yet."

"No subtitles?"

"How do you turn those on?"

Jessie laughs and grabs the remote from his hand, changing the settings of the movie.

They begin continuing the film where Louis was at, and Jessie relaxes into her seat, forgetting all her negative thoughts on the relationship.

a/n: hope that was a good enough intro for you. idk lmao comment and give a vote please xx

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