They Say The Eyes Are The Key to The Soul

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Jon's heart soared.

She actually granted me permission! I didn't know she was capable of such trust, he thought.

Over the next few days, Jon and his company got to work exploring the cave on the Western Cove. The company marvelled at the height and sheer volume of Dragon glass that covered almost every inch of wall, up to the 100-metre high cave sides.
Jon gazed at the shining obsidian walls in awe at how this could bring about the tipping point to the war. Weapons of all shapes and abilities would be able to be created too, from axes, hammers and swords, to shields, daggers and spears.

Gendry's arrival in the island heralded a new eagerness to manufacture the weapons in greater quantities. With a highly skilled blacksmith now acquired, the men began making large piles of wood form handles for swords and spears as well as sheaths and spears from metal.

Jon's spirits began to brighten a little and he sent word to Sansa of his recent endeavour and how it would benefit them.
Although, his face remained hard and determined. They had only just begun the long, hard struggle to the end.


Daenerys sat in the topmost room of the fortress with her dagger laid out in front of her on the colossal, stone table that was carved in the form of Westeros. Miniature, intricately painted fortresses resembling Kings Landing and other large strongholds still lay in their original positions atop the mass of flat, stone Westeros from the last strategic council that had been held not a fortnight since.

The dagger was a small blade of beautiful steel with an ornate sheath that presented the structure of two intertwining Dragon's heads in shining bronze. The hilt was fashioned with exotic flowers but fitted comfortably in her hand as she felt it's weight beneath her fingertips.

Ever since their crossing and the taking of Meereen, she had kept it at her side at all times. Unknown enemies were the worst kind. No one knew she possessed the weapon. Not even Daario had noticed.

Daenerys thought back to the nostalgic feeling of working with a group of allies and wondered how she was to obtain their whereabouts. Most likely they had been taken to Kings Landing to feel the wrath of Queen Cersei and her known methods of torture. But intervention could lead to many casualties and fatalities in the field of battle. Daenerys wanted to save as many lives as possible but, what would a Queen do if there was no one left to rule over?

She shivered and noticed how the room had become noticeably colder.

'A Dragon does not feel the cold,' she murmured to herself as she scolded the physical impulse that wasn't supposed to exist in the Mother of Dragons. Her mind wandered back to Jon Snow and how earnest his warning was. An army of the frozen dead or Whitewalkers was coming. Myth or Reality?

She turned to look at the horizon behind her.

Firstly, though, she had to confer as to the Greyjoy's whereabouts and how long she would have to wait before intervention was needed to aid her newfound allies from Westeros.

Although, thinking would have to wait. At that moment Messandei walked into the room bearing a message that the King in the North requested her presence down in the Western Cove.

Daenerys raised her eyebrows in question, but Messandei simply shot the same look back at her and beckoned her to begin walking. Daenerys complied, but not without continuing the quizzical look on her face for a moment longer. Why did Jon Snow need her? For his war? Was this a tactic to persuade her to his side? She was firmly set on not being swayed by a Northerner, however, curiosity ate away at her mind and Messandei fell into step beside her as they exited the Council Room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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