Chapter 2.

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As the weeks wore on, having Michael and his Ilvermorny crew around Hogwarts proved to be even worse than I thought it would be. Although it was nice having a few old friends at my new school, it was putting a strain on an already unsteady relationship. Draco wasn't an idiot - he could see the way that Michael looked at me, the way he talked to me. He picked up on Michael's intentions very quickly. So quickly, in fact, that the first Hogsmeade weekend, Draco questioned me about it during our walk.

"So, I bet you're glad to have your old school friends here." Draco said casually as we strolled near the forest's edge, our hands intertwined. "I suppose so. Honestly, it's a bit odd, I didn't think I'd ever see them again after I left Ilvermorny." I said, shrugging. Draco nodded, appearing to give his next sentence some thought before he spoke. "That Michael bloke...he seems especially friendly." I stared at Draco, almost unable to believe my ears. "Draco, are you jealous?" I said, grinning. Draco scowled, staring straight ahead. "No, I'm not jealous. I'm just saying that he's getting overly close to a taken woman." I snickered, covering my mouth as I tried to hold back my laughs. "Look, Draco, do you want to know the truth?" Draco stopped walking and turned to look at me expectantly.

"I had a thing for Michael when I was at Ilvermorny. I won't deny that. But it never went anywhere because he wasn't interested in me - he ignored all of my advances so I eventually gave up. I promise you, I have no interest in him now, mostly because I have a pretty amazing boyfriend." I said teasingly, wrapping my arms around Draco's neck. Draco grinned and looped his arms around my waist, smirking down at me. "Alright love, I believe you. And I trust you, don't doubt that for a second. It's that American idiot I don't trust." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes and leaned up, pressing my lips to his gently. "You have nothing to worry about. I don't want him. I want you."

I saw something flicker in Draco's eyes when I said that and he kissed me again, but it was the same kiss he gave me the night of the Champion selection. One that made me crave him in a way I've never felt before. Before we could get too carried away, we heard the bells chiming up inside the castle, signaling that the Hogsmeade visit was nearing its end. "Time to go. I need to help Harry research that damn egg anyway." I said, kissing Draco one last time before heading back towards the village, and I saw Draco head back as well, but in a different direction.

I sighed, trying to not look too downcast. It was hard not being able to show our affection in public, but I tried not to think about it - I had bigger problems to worry about. Harry had miraculously survived his encounter with the Hungarian Horntail in the First Task but now was left with a screeching golden egg and no clue as to what awaited him in the Second Task.

As I began to rejoin the groups of students traipsing back up towards the castle, I heard my friends calling out to me. Rosie and Elinor grabbed both of my arms, their faces excited. "Isabelle, where have you been? The most exciting thing happened!" Rosie said, and I raised my eyebrows. "I was doing some window shopping. What in the world are you talking about, though?" I said, glancing over at Elinor, who surprisingly looked just as flushed as Rosie. "That gorgeous exchange student from Ilvermorny, Michael, he found us and was asking about you! I think he's really taken a shine to you, Isa!" Rosie teased, and I blushed furiously, waving her off.

I was groaning inside, but for some reason, my heart fluttered at the idea of Michael trying to seek me out and spend time with me. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of these thoughts. "He's old news, girls. I liked him at Ilvermorny but nothing ever happened. He just saw that this year I don't have frizzy hair and crooked teeth anymore." I laughed, dragging my friends back up to the castle, trying to shove the blue-eyed boy out of my mind.


Of course, all my efforts to stop thinking about Michael were pretty much in vain. He was in a good chunk of my classes, and even though we lived in a huge castle, I seemed to see him everywhere I went. His flirting grew more and more obvious as the weeks went on, especially after news of the upcoming Yule Ball was announced. Rosie and Elinor seemed convinced that he was going to ask me to the ball, but I brushed them off every time they mentioned it.

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