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Life had a fantastic way of fucking everything up for me.

Whoever decided to voice the words, "Life's short", was an utter fucking idiot. Life's the longest fucking thing we do. Never the less, this conclusion still made me wish that we got to be aware of our expiry date. Love knowing I'm really only waiting around to die, yet don't get to have even the slighest fucking clue when.

I, myself, was quite familiar to the suffering and immobolization by the gravity of loss. Loss not necessarily meaning death. Sure, I had experienced the feeling of disconnecting from a loved one as they left this physical realm I like to call hell. Sure, I had parted my ways with many people due to indifferences or lack of communication. And sure, I had experienced the loss of experiences - too overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life to understand that there was a difference between living life, and loving life. But yet, it was the major loss of myself due to another's actions and the consequences that held the most pain. And, it didn't help that the person behind all this was none other than my father.

And, sure, I felt bad in a way for how I treated people. But at the end of the day, if they didn't give me a reason to be an asshole, they wouldn't have faced the consequences. Some would say I'm heartless - but in reality, I've just learned to use my heart less.

And I bet you're sitting there wondering what the fuck I'm going on about. Right? Well sit tight, maybe grab some popcorn, because my names Anastaaia Williams and this is my fucked up story.

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