Save Me From The Bad Boy // Zarry [AU]

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(✔) ❝Ever notice that the people who hurt you the most are the ones you tend to love more?❞

Harry Styles is the awkward and shy boy who just can't seem to catch a break from his family problems. He finds comfort in his books, his closest friends and his music, the last one being his precious secret talent.

And Harry has a slight problem: he has a not-so-little crush on the person who is his supposed bully/enemy.


❝Don't screw up the best thing that ever happened to you just because you're a little unsure about who you are.❞

Zayn Malik is your handsome bad boy jock with his hidden secrets. Who loves breaking hearts, loves playing lacrosse, loves attention and absolutely loves teasing, hurting and having spats with Harry.

Zayn can get anything and everything he wants, except for a certain hipster, curly-haired boy who can see right through the walls he's put up.

{ Mainly Zarry, with side Nouis and a bit of Payzer. }


Written by zarrycupcake

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