Chapter 2

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----Optimus' POV-----
I was waiting for the results of her medical state. It made me anxious. I wanted to be there with her. To protect her.

I shook my helm. No. She needs her time to recover from her captivity in the Decepticon liar. She was very weak and probably hungry and thirsty. Her skin was sickly pale.

I wondered if it returned into the normal human skin color. I purred. I wondered how smooth the skin is. Yes, I felt her when I brought her in but the skin was wet, rough and tired.

But now....Ohhh..... How smooth the skin must be when it is healed. I cannot wait until I will be able to touch her. In amore than...friendly or protective way.

You woke up with a slight headache and noticed that your vision was blurred a little. You felt something in your arms and wanted to move but you felt pain going trough your body and decided against it.

You also felt something thin in your nose and realized it helped you breath.

"Ah. You are awake. Quite early for your state you have been." It was kind and warm female voice and you followed it. Thanks to your blurry vision you couldn't see her face.

"Where.....Where Am I? What......What happened?" Your voice was hoarse. "I am nurse Blackrose. You are in a Hospital. They brought you here in a critical state but you are now stabilized." The nurse scribbled something. "What is your name?" Said the nurse carefuly as if not startle you. It was hard to process the information but eventually you did it. "(Y/n)......Who brought me here?" "Who is the one who saved me?" You thought.

The nurse tapped on something she was holding. "Optimus Prime. Leader of the Autobots." The nurse said softly. You processed the information and your reaction must have suprised the nurse because she tilted her head. "You are not suprised or in shock. Why?" You took a deep breath. "I have been in a contact with them before." You said rolling your head straight. You felt tired.

----Optimus' POV----
When the nurse exited the room I quickly leapt from the spot where I was leaning against and walked up to her. "How is she?" I asked her and she turned her whole body towards me. "She's stabilized. That is all you need to know for now." The nurse frowned at me. "Can you at least tell me her name?" I asked anger slowly boiling inside of me. Wait. Anger?

"You need to wait until she tell you herself. I am not allowed to say things like these." Said the nurse and I surpassed a growl.

I turned on my heel and wanted to leave but the nurse cleared her throat which halted my movements. "What is your secret?" The nurse asked. "Pardon me?" I looked at her over my shoulder plates. "What is your secret?" She repeated. "This is the first time you care this deeply about a human." She tapped the board she was writing on. "I care about every human." I said. She smiled. "You never cared this much about any human. You asked them how they were but never asked about their names."

The nurse tilted her head at me and I resisted in clenching my servos. "She is the first one we rescued from a Decepticon prison. And I need to know why they kidnapped her." I said and walked away.

You blinked a few times when you woke up and your vision cleared. You looked around the white room and noticed that it wasn't the usual hospital room. It looked like a....military hospital.

You sat up and instantly regreted it because strong pain shot trough you. You clutched your abdomen and sucked an air in.

Then it hit you. You reached for your wrist and you found it there(do you wear bracelets? If not imagine something else. Finger, neck anything). You released a breath you didn't relize you were holding. "It's still there. They didn't took it off."

You layed back down and tryed to relax but ot was hard with the pain going trough your body. You were gritting your teeth and closing your eyes.

----Optimus' POV-----
I paced around my room. My feelings were getting the better of me. I needed to finght it.... for my own sake, for the sake of my Autobots and for the sake of....her. Yes. Her.

What would other people think? What would my Autobots think? Would they glance at us with weird stares? Would they accuse me? Or would they accuse her?

No. No! I shook my head. They can not accuse her! She did nothing wrong! I am the only one who they should accuse! I will kill anyone who dares to cast one ugly look at her. Yes. I will.

She is mine. She belongs only to me and no one else.

My Leftovers (Optimus Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now