Chapter 1: Restless Warrior

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"man that was sick how you turned all golden and beat down that dragon overlord Lloyd!" Jay states making loud explosion sounds and moving his hands through the air really fast. 

"really showed that dark lord who the boss was." Cole chuckles.

Kai agrees but simply nods while avoiding Jay's over excited hand motions.

"i must say it was rather remarkable." Zane nods in agreement.

"ahh gee thanks guys but really i couldn't have done it without you." Lloyd replies only slightly embarrassed by all the attention he was receiving from not only the ninja and his sensei but the towns folks as well. "it was really a team effort."

"yeah i guess it was." Kai chuckles. "but you definitely were the star of that mess."

Nya follows behind them towards her room down the hall, but as they are heading into their room she stops them. "hey guys... I i just wanted to apologize..."

"Nya?" Kai turns to his sister and frowns. "apologize for what?"

"yeah you didn't do anything wrong?" Jay says glancing around quickly then turning his full attention to Nya.

"still." Nya sighs and rubs her arm with her other hand. "listen i just... i feel really bad about it."

"you've already apologized several times Nya." Zane replies. "counting this time you've apologised 17 times now."

"because it upset me." Nya replies frowning. "i guess i wouldn't expect you to understand." she glances at Kai. "i never wanted to put anyone in danger. especially not you guys. You're all like family to me excluding Kai because he actually is my family."

"its alright Nya." Jay chuckles patting her shoulder. "if it makes you feel better you taught us a lesson we won't soon forget."

"yeah Kai's sister hits like a brick." Cole chuckles. " never ever make her angry."

the boys share a chuckle over Cole's joke then Jay turns back to Nya and smiles lightly. "trust me this whole business is going to be forgotten in no time. You've had a long day same as the rest of us try to get some sleep alright?"

Nya nods and happily gives Jay a kiss on the cheek before heading to her room and closing the door.

Behind the twitterpated Jay a very annoyed looking Kai is standing with his arms crossed. "you know i thought i'd get over it but i don't think i'm ever going to get use to you dating my sister."

"chill buddy." Cole says and then is interrupted by a huge yawn. "it could be worse."

"yeah she could have dated a guy that isn't your best buddy." Jay smirks and then he too yawns. "damn this yawn thing is contagious. Let's go to sleep i'm bushed."

the boys walk into the room except for Zane who is standing there quietly staring at the door.

"dude... Zane bro? you alright?" Cole questions having noticed Zane had zoned out.

Zane shakes his mind back to reality and looks directly at Cole. "i'm sorry i just realised i don't understand something and i was going over how i would figure it out."

"you? you don't understand something?" Kai questions. "what is it man?"

"love." Zane replies frowning. "i can't make any sense of it at all. do you think i ever will?"

The four other ninja exchange a glance and then Jay shrugs. "stranger things have happened i guess."

"i suppose your right." Zane puzzles for a moment. "i'll be in later... i'm going out for a bit." he turns and walks back out the way they had come.

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