Cory's Alternative Friends

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"In conclusion, some products we use every day causes algae to grow in lakes." Barbara said as she poured a white liquid into a water-filled beaker.

"Cutting off oxygen and disrupting the ecosystem." Paige dropped a dead fish into the liquid.

"So, what we've learned is that we must choose biodegradable products to help protect our environment." Barbara concluded and Paige took out the fish's skeleton.

"Excellent report." Feeny praised, "Inspired visuals. Next team."

"Good luck." Melanie whispered as Shawn and Cory went up to the front.

"How air pollution affects our everyday life." Cory started.

"Excellent topic."

Melanie gave a small laugh as Shawn and Cory simultaneously opened their pointers.

"Denver," Shawn began as he slapped his pointer to New Mexico and Mr. Feeny fixed it, "High atop the majestic Rocky Mountains. Elevation—5,000 feet."

"Philadelphia," Cory continued as he slapped his pointer to Iowa and again, Mr. Feeny fixed it, "Lying low in the Delaware basin."

"Denver—clean crisp mountain air."

"Philadelphia—polluted industrial smog."

"Mile High Stadium—home of the Colorado Rockies."

"Veterans Stadium—home of the Philadelphia Phillies."

"Oh, here we go." Mr. Feeny sighed.

Melanie her eyebrow as Shawn and Cory leaned on Mr. Feeny's desk.

"The Rockies, a bogus expansion team mind you, are averaging four more runs per game than anyone in the league because of their clean air." Shawn said.

"Our theory is, if Philadelphia would clean up its smog air the ball would slice through the atmosphere with a greater velocity." Cory stated.

"Therefore the Phillies would score more runs."

"And win every home game."

"The end." Shawn and Cory simultaneously closed their pointers.

"So, how'd you like our report?" Cory asked.


"Stinks," Cory told Shawn before turning back to Mr. Feeny, "How'd you like my half?"

"Relax, Mr. Matthews. I blame myself." Mr. Feeny said as he got up.

"You do? Cool." Cory exclaimed as he and Shawn walked back to their desks.

"Yes," Mr. Feeny sighed, "I let you choose your own partner. An astounding lapse of judgment for someone of my experience."

Mr. Feeny looked at the papers on his table,

"I'm going to let you try again but this time, I'll choose the teams."

Mr. Feeny paused,

"Mr. Hunter, you'll work with... Miss. Strong."


"Yes." Melanie and Shawn said together as they high-fived.

"And Mr. Matthews-"

"Yeah, I'll hook up with Mr. Sullivan." Cory cut Mr. Feeny off.

"No, no." Mr. Feeny said, "That's worse. You'll be working with... Miss. Lawrence."

"Topanga?" Cory asked, shocked.

Melanie watched Topanga turn around,

"Give me your hand."

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