Lenny-poo never lies ...right?

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Rin shut her DS and looked up at the male next to her. He seemed to be deeply into the game which made her wonder if he even would hear her if she spoke. But there was one thing she needed to ask him. One thing that she couldn't stop thinking about.

She had been listening to a conversation between Len, Kaito and Gakupo earlier that day and there was one thing she found interesting.

"Ne, Len?", she said and hoped to get his attention.

"Hmm?", Len replied, without letting his eyes of the screen. Just to let her know that he had heard what she said.

"So... when are you going to kiss me?"

Len froze for a second, feeling the heat raise to his face as he desparatley tried to find the words to say.

"What..?", was all that came out of his mouth. He bit his under lip, knowing very well how red his face was.

He continued to stare at the screen of the DS even though he had stopped playing, telling himself that this was just one of Rin's many jokes and tricks. But when he finally found the courage in his little shota-self to look up at the blone girl next to him it wasn't an evil smirk he found, instead a big smile had spread across her face. That kind of smile was rare to see on his mirror image, yet it was with that kind of smile on her face she was the prettiest. He forced himself to look into her eyes even though how hard it was.

"I heard you talking to Kaito and Gakupo.", she said and giggeled slightly at his confusion.

Len then suddenly remembered the conversation he had with the other Vocaloid males earlier that day. He suddenly started to feel stupid, when he spoke to them he hadn't even had a thought about that anyone might be listening to them.

What was he supposed to do now, when Rin had heard it all? She would probably tell Kaito and Gakupo that everything he said was lies. He felt how he started to panic and once again he was left without words.

"Rin, I-"

"Len, I had no idea I was your girlfriend. We have been dating for almost a month now, wasn't that what you said?", A cute little giggle escaped the females lips. 

That Rin was his girlfriend was just one of the many lies he had told them. He mentaly slapped his face repeatedly,

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Why didn't you tell me? You baka, telling the others befor even I know!", She said as she kept giggling, the big smile was still stuck on her face. 

Len let out a sigh, he looked at her with a frown on his face,

"Rin, it's enogh. I know, I shouldn't have lied to them. I didn't think about that it might hurt you, I'm truly sorry.", He looked down at the screen again, regretting every lie he had told to his friends about the relationship between him and Rin.

Rin knew very well that everything her image had said to the others were lies, she wasn't that stupid. But she wondered why. Why did he lie about her being his girlfriend?

Yet she played cute and innocent, she let out another giggle as she took the console from his hands, putting it away.

"Len, why aren't you looking at me?" she asked.

Len slowly tilted his head to look up at the girl. She was really close now and once again his cheeks started turing into a shade of red. He noticed that the smile wasn't left on her face, she was closing her eyes now. It took a second before his brain had processed everything.

"R-Rin, wha-"

She interuppted him once again,

"You better kiss me now, otherwise you would have been lying. And lying is a really bad thing, you know that? Lenny-poo isn't bad, he never lies ...right?" she said, yet she seemed so sweet and somewhat cool, not even hesitating while speaking which made Len feel even more stupid, since he almost was shaking.

He wasn't sure what to do when Rin was a few centimeters from his face, telling him to kiss her. He couldn't think clearly, but he knew that he had had to make his decision quickly.

Maybe.. kiss her?
Well, that was an option.

"After dating almost a month, a simple kiss shouldn't be a problem." He joked and smiled faintly before he leaned in and let their lips meet, pretty sure that later on, he would not regret this decision.


"Make some space for me, I can't see anything!" Kaito screamed, trying to see through the window to the Kagamine's room. 

Gakupo just pushed him away and kept staring at the younger Vocaloids with concentrate.

"Sush! They might hear us! And I'm pretty sure that nothing is going to happen anyway, Len lied, because he's jealous of my relationship with Luka!"

"What? Luka doesn't even li-"


"Thats it, I'm going back inside, the ice cream is waiting for me", Kaito groaned. Without waiting for a reply he turned around and started to walk away. Just a few seconds later a scream could be heard. He quickly turned around and found Gakupo laying on the ground. 

"Kaito...", He said dramatically while pointing at the window.

Kaito looked through the the window, but had to walk closer to make sure that what he saw really was true. He raised an eyebrow, to be honest he, just like Gakupo, thought Len was lying.

He then looked down at the female looking, purple haired man, who lay on the ground, looking like he was about to die.

He chuckled a bit,

"Who's jelous now?"

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