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Namjoon's POV.


I saw Jin looking at me with a confused look. I didn't care though. I was happy I finally found his room. For a moment I thought I was going to be lost forever.

"What are you doing here?"

"How did you get here?"

"Shouldn't you be at school?"

"How did you enter the house?"

"Is there a thief following you?"

"Are you--" "JIN!!!!" I shouted to stop him from asking me anymore questions.

"Can you ask me one question at a time please?" I told him. He looked at me, still shocked then nodded his head lightly.

A moment of silence went by before Jin finally spoke.

"I am sorry. I am just shocked." He said with a low voice.

"It's ok." I smiled at him.

"Now for your questions...." I said remembering every question he asked.

"I heard you are sick, so I came to take care of you."

"You told me where your house was last time."

"I faked being sick and left school."

"I went in through an open window"

"And no, there is no thief following me."

"Oh..." He replied not knowing what else he should say.

Another moment of silence passed by this time to be broken by Joon.

"So......"I started talking gaining attention from Jin. "Are you okay?"

"I guess, I am just a little sick" He paused before saying "But I am so bored, I think I will die of boredom."

I chucked lightly at his exaggeration. "You can't die of boredom Jin." I said still chuckling.

"I know but still!!!!" He said while pouting cutely.

"Ok, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Uhmm..." Jin looked around his room while thinking. "Let's play truth or dare!!" He said excitingly.

"Ok" I said smiling at how cute Jin looked right now.

"Sit here." I heard him say while tapping the bed beside him. I went up and sat next to him.

"I will start!" He said once he saw that I was settled beside him. "ok"

"Truth or dare?" He asked. "Truth"

'Ok, On scale of 1 to 10, how close do you think we are?"

I looked down on my hands.
-What should I say?!- What if he doesn't think we are close?? I started panicking not knowing what to do.

"Joon?" I looked up to see Jin. 

"You still didn't answer," He said while looking at me.

"Huh?" I asked not sure what he was talking about. 

"The question I asked? The truth?" 

"Oh.." I said trying to act as normal as I could "Maybe 8?"

"Ok, your turn." Jin said while smiling.

What?! That's it?! I thought to myself furrowing my brows. Then I remembered that Jin was still waiting so I asked him.

"Truth or dare?" 


"Ok, let me think" I looked around the room searching for something I can ask him about then my eyes landed on a picture on his bedside table. It was a picture of a young girl. Maybe our age.

I decided to ask him who she was. Maybe she was one of his friends? Maybe a relative?

"Who is that girl?" I said while pointing at the picture frame. He followed where my fingers pointed and when he finally knew what I was talking about, his face turned blank

"O-oh, th-that." He said then sighed heavily before completing. "She is my mom."

"Oh, Mrs.Kim looked pretty when she was young." I said turning my gaze from the picture to him.

"She isn't Mrs.Kim." He mumbled still looking at the picture, but I still heard him.

 "What do you mean?" I asked furrowing my brows in confusion. "You said she was your mom?"

"Yes, she is my mom but she isn't Mrs.Kim" He paused then looked at me. "Mrs.Kim is my adopted mom and the girl in the picture is my real mom."

"Oh...." I said not sure what else I should say. 

Moment of silence.

"Let's continue." Jin said breaking the awkward silence. 

"Ok." I said, but I was still thinking about what Jin said earlier. I never knew he was adopted.

We played some more but I had to leave to get back home before my mom.

"Bye." I said to Jin while getting up from the bed. "Bye" He said then he added "Thanks for coming"

"No problem" I said giving him a warm smile.


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