Cloud Gazing

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Sans plopped down in the grass, his legs instinctively crossing over one another. Grillby knelt down before finally sitting, a slower motion with grace. There weren't many people, or monsters around, the park simply remained quiet and empty. Sans ran a hand through the lime blades, then looked up at the sky.

"My favorite thing about being on the surface, is looking up at the sky." He spoke with a true smile, a rare one indeed. "Day or night, stars or clouds, I love the colors and the light."

Grillby felt his soul flutter as he watched Sans. The smaller skeleton had his head tilted, eyes darting around from cloud to cloud. Grillby tilted his own head up to join Sans in cloud gazing in the blue atmosphere. 

"I have to agree with you, it is rather beautiful." Grillby set his coffee down and laid down in the grass. 

"It's amazing..." Sans mumbled, flopping onto his back as well. He closed his eyes, the memory of his dream playing out before him. He laid in the black grass with Grillby, waterfall's waterfalls quietly rushing about. They laid in the same position they were now, the only difference was the scenery. Sans glanced over his shoulder, his neck stretched.

Grillby lifted his left arm, inviting Sans to snuggle against him. The skeleton wiggled backwards, and once settled, Grillby wrapped his arm around him. He gave Sans a little squeeze, moving Sans just enough to be able to plant a kiss on his skull. He relaxed and giggled as Sans covered his blue face with both hands again.

"You're just as blue as the sky." The fiery monster giggled. There was never a time Grillby had laughed this much. 

Sans looked up at the sky, his face a normal white. "Today has been a great day." He held Grillby's hand, giving it a meaningful squeeze. "Thank you."

Grillby's smile grew as he spotted a cloud in the shape of an upside down heart. "You're welcome Sans."

Papyrus came to a stop, both he and Frisk scanning the open area before them. "We've looked everywhere, they must be here!"

"Unless we missed them..." Frisk mumbled their negativity. 

"No way the Great Papyrus misses anything!" Papyrus beamed.

Frisk nodded, desperately looking for the two from atop Papyrus' shoulders. After a moment of scanning, they whispered quite loudly. "Found them! Papyrus straight ahead!" Frisk lowered their arm to point. 

The two approached slowly, diving into two bushes. They peeked out, their heads sideways. Like a cartoon, both stuck their heads out from a different sides. They laid down, watching the two from what they thought was a stealthy hiding place. Then for a moment they took their eyes off of the cuddling couple before them, and looked to each other as they whispered.

"We were right Frisk! Sans was hiding something! Just look at how cute they are together!" Papyrus whispered, cupping his cheek bones with two red-gloved hands. 

Sans' eye sockets opened. He could hear the two whispering behind himself. Sans giggled as he looked up at Grillby and whispered a question. "Wanna see somethin humorous?"

Grillby arched an eyebrow , rolling onto his stomach to face where Sans pointed. 

"Watch." Sans vanished from Grillby's arms, the fire monster laying down on his stomach staring at Papyrus and Frisk's heads. Silently, Sans warped just behind them while they were busy talking, then leaned down right next to their heads. "Heya." 

Papyrus and Frisk screamed and jumped skyward, violently falling onto their butts. They sat up once they caught their breath, staring behind them to emptiness. Sans was no longer there. The two looked back at Grillby and saw him with his face in the grass, banging the ground laughing really hard. His shoulders bounced, then he lifted his head and looked up at Sans who had sat cross legged beside him. With his hands in his pockets he laughed with Grillby.

"Sans! You nearly gave Frisk a heart attack!" Papyrus yelled, putting a hand on Frisk's shoulder to try and calm them.

"Kinda your fault, bro." Sans smiled at him. "Don't you know it's rude to stalk people?"

"We weren't stalking you, brother..." Papyrus rubbed his hands together. "We were...looking out for you! And wanted to make sure you were okay!"

Frisk nodded. "You did worry us when you left all of a sudden."

Sans smiled. "Well if I told ya you both would have overreacted. Though you figured it out and overreacted anyways, just as I expected." He closed his eyes and shrugged. "Sorry I didn't tell you guys."

Grillby looked up at Sans, then at Papyrus and Frisk.

Sans smiled lazily. "Well now that you know what I'm up to, are you satisfied?"

"Very well, come on Frisk, let's head back home." Papyrus stood up and placed Frisk back on his shoulders. "We can make spaghetti!"

And with that, he ran off, holding onto Frisk's legs tightly.

"Quite nosy aren't they?" Sans asked with a hand behind his head.

"That just shows they care." Grillby shrugged as he sat up. "Well, where to next?" He asked, pulling Sans into his lap, wrapping his arms around him. He held both his hands and played with the skeleton's tiny, boney fingers.

"It's your turn to pick." Sans smiled and leaned back into Grillby's embrace.

Grillby thought for a moment. "I have a place in mind, but we have to walk there for the timing to be right."

Sans looked at him with a complaining lazy smile.

Grillby stood up and pulled Sans to his feet. He turned to the direction of the underground, and began walking. Sans followed the energetic flame, not sure of where he was being lead to. 

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