Chapter 2 - New Friends

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All ownership of Twilight goes to Stephanie Meyer; I’m just changing the story to my own idea using her work.

This is my first time writing a story, I know my spelling is not the best and my grammar is not the best, so be nice.

Chapter 2 – New Friends

My least favourite thing about being a vampire… I got bored. It was 3:30am and I was thinking of way to not be bored at night. I can sing, so maybe I should learn to play some instruments. I made a list of the different instruments I wanted to learn:

·         Piano/Keyboard

·         Saxophone

·         Acoustic bass Guitar

·         Acoustic Guitar

·         Bass Guitar

·         Classical Guitar

·         Electric Guitar

·         Ukulele

That will do for now, they should only take a few weeks. I did some on-line shopping ordering one of each. Notice the time was 7:45am; I was going to be late for school! I changed and got my bike, making it to school with a few minutes till first bell. Going into English I saw Alice sitting and I read her mind and saw her future, she wanted to talk to me and so she did “Hello, I’m Alice Cullen” “Umm… Hi, I’m Isabella, but you can call me Bella, please.” “Do you like Forks so far?” “It’s not too bad” “I know we just met, but I know we will be great friends and was wondering if you would like to come shopping with me? So we can get to know each other.” Thinking to myself, oh I know we will be friends, believe me! I hate shopping but I needed clothes so I guess it will be a yes. “I would love too! When do you want to go?” “Anytime you’re free.” “What about this afternoon? I have nothing better to do and I need more clothes…” “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Alice screamed that as the bell went.

Alice grabbed my hand and walked into the lunch room with my behind her. “Where are you taking me?” I asked. “You’re my friend and you will sit with me at lunch. Pretty please!” She gave me puppy dog eyes. “If you want me too” Jumping up and down for a bit she stopped when we got to the table with her ‘family’ and said “Everyone this is Bella and she is my new friend, so she will sit with us.” No one disagreed or care by the looks of it, everyone said “Hello” to me, but the one named Rosalie, she just stared at me.  The boy in my biology, his name was Edward; he stared to me but the kind of stare like he was scared for me. So I read his mind ’Is Alice crazy! Why did she want a human friend now! And why the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!’ I stopped listening and turn to Alice. “Can you follow me home this afternoon, so I can drop my bike home before we shop?” “Of course, I have my own car today, anyway.” I only talked to Alice in the lunch hour and when the bell went, we left for maths together.

Maths went by very fast; Alice and I pasted notes, asking each other different questions, so before we knew it, it was time for biology. I walked into the class Edward alright there, smiled at me and I give them a smile back and heard his heart beat change… I wonder why? “So… you like shopping?” he asked me. I turned to him and said “Ha-ha, not really, but I need clothes and I live alone, so it will be nice to go with someone and make a friend.” “You live alone at 16!?” “Yes, my parents were rich and passed away… so I have a lot of money.” “I’m sorry” he said looking sad. “Please don’t worry about it, it happened a long time ago and I can take great care of myself.” I smiled at him and he shyly smiled back. We talked for the rest of the class, as the bell went, Edward stand and waited for me before walking with me. I looked at him and he said “Alice will never forgive if I did not get you to sit with us again and if I let you walk alone.” I just laughed at him and he looked away shyly.

Alice come running towards me and hugged me, she looked at Edward and said “You know me all too well, ha-ha!” Just like last lunch, I sat with the Cullen’s and Hales and talk to Alice and Edward this time. I do not worry about using my power a lot of time, because 1. Easily to act human and 2. I do not feel the need too. Just before the bell, I felt my phone ring in my bag, taking it out I read the number and answered the phone. I made sure my shield was still around me and stand up and walked outside to talk. “Isabella!” the voice said I have been waiting for this call; it was Aro, from the Volturi. “Yes” was all I said. “Why have you not called me yet!? I have been waiting and worrying so I called you!” “I was waiting for you to call me!” “Well… are you okay?” “Of course, why would it not be?” “I’m not sure, but I have to ask you something.” “Go for it” I said. “Are the Cullen’s there?” “Yes, why?” “I need you to tell them who you are, or at least their leader, Carlisle.” “Why? And I remember him a bit, from when he joined us.” “Because I want to come sure that you are being cared for, so I have a letter sent to you to give to Carlisle for me.” “Fine, whatever you wish.” “Thank you, and I’m just taking care of you, you know that.” “Of course, now I need to go.” “Alright, call me more often, goodbye Isabella, enjoy yourself.” “Bye Aro and everyone else!”

When HPE was done, I waited by my motorcycle for Alice. Running to me she said “Why did you leave at lunch?” “I had a phone call, so are we shopping or what?” “Of course!” she yelled at me. Alice followed me home in her, Yellow Porsche 911 Turbo. She hopped out, after she parked outside my little house, “WOW! It’s so small but so lovely! You live her alone?” “Yes, did Edward tell you?” “Yep” “I will go change and will be right back.” I was back in two minutes; I picked up the letter for Carlisle and want back to Alice. Alice started the car and drive away from town.

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