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Close your eyes

Lean on me

Face to mouth

Lips to cheek

Feeling numb

In my feet

You're the one

To help me

Get to sleep

  Dear Michael,

I've got to go back to the doctors tomorrow, my insomnia has comeback. My means of saying comeback isn't like an old bands new album, but like it's here again, and much worse. I walk out to the old tree we left our initals in; E.C+M.C=♡. I know, I know how original. I think we enjoyed being as cleché as could be, but I thought that meant we would be together forever. I guess not. I remember that one time, you found my reading tree; yes the same tree. I leaned on you, closing my eyes. Your lips lingered on me, we stayed face to mouth, and lips to cheek, as you helped me fall asleep. We stayed under that tree from noon, to around eleven pm. We gazed at the stars, and carved that stupid thing on an extremely old tree. I remember you saying if they ever cut it down we'd count the rings. I still love you Mikey, we we're something special, and maybe I wasn't smart enough to know that special things don't come to me.



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