Pirates Don't Kill and Tell

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Hey guys, this is a one-act play that I ahd to write for my english class. My friends convinced me I should upload it. Also, because it's a one-act, the story jumps around a little bit. If you don't like it, please don't tell me because it was just a silly project and I thought I would share it. Okay, here it is...

Pirates Don't Kill and Tell

Cast of Characters

GASPARD MCCALLISTER: Captain of The Flying Dragon; early thirties; a little scruffy with dark hair and mysterious green eyes, doesn't like to talk a lot; avoidant and unsociable except when around Nathaniel Butler, his first mate.

NATHANIEL BUTLER: First mate; late twenties; has light hair, is bubbly and serves as a foil to Gaspard, Gaspard's best friend, acts serious only when dealing with his best friend and hostile land take-overs; is always kind-hearted and tries to lighten the mood in rough times.

THOMAS ANSTIS: One of Gaspard's crew members; mid-twenties; often listens in on conversations he's not supposed to hear; knows a lot of things he's not supposed to; has an innocent little boy look and a mischievous smile.

HOWELL DAVIS: Another crew member; mid-twenties; often catches Thomas listening in on conversations and Thomas shares with him what he learns, has a peg leg and often mutters under his breath, has a beard and is often sarcastic and easy to anger.

CAELAN NIELSEN: Member of the royal family of Denmark; late fifties; a bossy and rude older man who walks around with a cane and is very protective of his only daughter, his hair is gray and he is shorter than most men.

ANNALIISA NIELSEN: Daughter of Caelan Nielsen; late twenties; dad tries to keep her in a bubble; has blonde hair and blue eyes and often plays on her innocent looks, intelligent woman who often listens in on conversations and is easy to anger.

AT RISE: (A woman appears on stage before the curtain opens. She is dressed in a long, white gown and has a white veil on top of her head. Her long, blonde hair curls down her back and she has part of it pinned on top of her head. She holds a bouquet of white lilies and nervously paces. She mutters under her breath and gets consistently louder until her speech is able to be heard.)

ANNALIISA (muttering excitedly to herself): I can't believe I'm getting married today! (She mutters less excitedly) I can't believe I'm getting married today. (She mumbles breathily) I can't believe I'm getting married. (She yells nervously, almost shockingly) I can't believe I'm getting married! This was such a stupid idea. Why did I ever think this was a good idea? I know I love him, but I don't know if I'm ready for marriage, especially to someone I only met four months ago. I wonder if he'll like my dress. I am so nervous. Why wasn't I like this before? I didn't start freaking out until right now. Yesterday, everything was fine and I couldn't wait to get married. Okay, I can do this. I just need to walk down that aisle and get married.

(Organ music starts to play and the young woman heads out of the room. She walks off DSL. The curtains open and people file on backstage. There are a few cartons laying precariously on the ground that are elegantly covered in white table cloths. A few cartons have flowers on top and there is a red carpet that leads to Center US from the middle of DSL. The woman appears at the end of this red carpet and pauses. Her hands seem to shake while holding the white lilies. She looks as if she's about to faint.)

ANNALIISA (her voice shaking): I don't know if I should be doing this. I wish my dad was here to walk me down the aisle. Gosh, I wish someone would tell me what to do. (A man comes running towards her from Center US.)

NATHANIEL (smiling): Hello, love. Ye look positively radiant. I thought ye could use a hand. I sensed that ye might be a tad nervous. No reason to be; Gaspard is so excited to see how beautiful ye look. (He offers her his arm.) Let's get ye married today. (The onlookers watch as Annaliisa and Nathaniel head down the carpet towards the minister and the groom.)

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