Sick Day

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(A/N: HOLY SHEIST IT'S BEEN A YEAR! I left wattpad for a while to focus on stuff like socially and educationally but hey! I'm back later than ever! Anyways, I won't leave you guys to wait any longer than you have! On to the story!!!! *Furious typing*)

Your P.O.V.

"(Y/N)~~~~" A sing-song voice awoke me from my pleasant slumber. All I knew in that moment was the person that woke me up had a 99.9% chance of getting sent to the grave early. I opened one eye begrudgingly to shoot a meaningless glare towards (F/N) as they smiled back bouncing from one foot to the other.

"What." I growled still laying face down in the pillow not planning on moving anytime soon. (F/N) smiled more and said in a slightly hushed voice, "I would suggest getting up or at least hiding your wings my friend!" They mused. Now curious, I opened my other eye and swung both my legs over the side of the bed. "What is it this time" I sigh not in any mood for this bull after the crap that went down yesterday. That's when I heard it, or rather, them.

"Oh (Y/N)~~?" I heard coming from the one and only squeaky highly emotional blonde himself. Almost immediately jumped out of my bed (hitting the floor in the process) and snapped my fingers to hide my (F/C) wings. Once I got up hitting my knee on the dresser and letting out a sting of colorful words, I went to go greet the host club. Reluctantly of course.

(F/N)'s P.O.V.

My first reaction to seeing (Y/N)'s attractive group of friends was, WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK IS THIS GIRL DOING IN THAT SCHOOL!? but then I realized, if I asked that, I'm pretty sure hat I would die fora second time. So I just kept my mouth shut and watched her interact with the host club.

"(Y/N)-chan! We didn't see you at school today and we got worried right Takashi?" a small boy chimed looking up towards a taller male. The taller one just nodded in agreement. Not much of a talker huh? I thought with a smile. They might bring out the wrong emotions in (Y/N) but I have never seen her show so much emotion in a situation. At least not for a while. I leaned against a wall and continued to watch the eight of them interact with each other exchanging jokes and sighs.

Timeskip brought to you by, Death the Kid in tight yoga pants and heals

Your P.O.V.

After a whole day of the host club bothering me, they finally left at 7:30. Well, after (F/N) and I literally kicked them out of the house. Exhausted after my "Relaxing" day, I went into my room to take my daily report and give it to (Bird Name). Once done with the report I flop into my bed to get a good night's rest before going to priso- high school tomorrow.

Wonder if something big will happen? I think to myself before drifting off to sleep

(A/N: So, I know it's been longer than a year and I probably still won't be able to update more with midterms and other tests n shiz coming up but when I do update, I hope you guys enjoy the story! most of you have probably given up on this but I promise I am still updating just, EXTERMELY slow. Anyways, see you all in the next chapter!

Author~Chan OUT!

*falls out of chair* ow.)

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