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This story will contain two parts only huhuhu. Actually this story is needed for the compilation of my grade for our subject, creative writing hahaha. I'll update the next one if it is already finished!


"You cheated on me!" My mom cried.

"Let me explain, plea----"

"No, I won't let you! Let's get a divorce!! I'm no longer a fool enamored by you!"

"Okay! I'm sick of this relationship. Ever since I married you, my life became a mess!" My dad shouted.

"D-daddy, don't leave u-us...." I told him while hugging my favorite teddy bear that he gave me.

But he just looked at me... and left.

I sighed. I remember it all too well. How my dad left us.. How things became a mess..

These complications started when my mom found out that dad was cheating on her. Well, we didn't expect that dad could do that. And with that, my parents always fight even on small things that's why they decided to divorce and they did. They are so selfish. All things became a mess. I became a mess as well.

After they had their divorce my mom is always busy for work while my dad, well, I don't know about his whereabouts.

Our home used to be full of love.

Our home used to be full of waves of laughter.

Our family used to be happy.

My parents used to be sweet.

Our family used to be perfect--- oh I forgot, no life is synonymous to perfection.

I quickly brushed my hair and hung the one strap of my bag on my shoulder and went

downstairs. I must not be late for school or else I'll get a detention slip. Well, I'm late almost

every day.

I hurriedly went to the bus stop and luckily, there was still a bus waiting for more passengers.

I entered the bus and swipe my transportation card.

It took me 7 minutes before I finally reach my school.

My class will start 7 in the morning and it's already 6:47 am.

Well, my room is located on 3rd floor, 5th building. It will take me 15 minutes and I only have

13 minutes.

I decided to just go to the rooftop. The rooftop of our school is such a nice place for me to think

about things. To think about the reasons why I can't be happy. To think about the reason how to

be happy--- and unfortunately, I still don't have a reason, even just one. I'm so hopeless, aren't I?

I heard the bell rang, so it means it's already class hours. I hurriedly ran to the rooftop to avoid

being seen by the teachers. When I finally reached it, I slammed the door behind me and took my seat on the chair that I brought up here last week.

I used to be an honor student and now I already lost almost my interest in studying. 

My parents' break up really affected me a lot.

I was about to take a nap when someone opened the door, revealing a tall guy with a nice dark

brown coconut-like hair, his back is facing me.

"Excuse me? Who are you?" I asked.

He looked at me and shocked was written on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I'm Jungkook, and I'm a transferee here. Did I disturb you? Should I leave---" I

didn't let him finish his statement.

"No, it's okay. I'll just leave." I said. It's hard for me to trust other people that's why I don't have

friends. Well, I knew some of my classmates but I don't consider them as my friends and they

don't consider me as one of their friends as well. I don't want to befriend them because they are

all so fake. I always witness how they throw rocks(not literally rocks) to each other while their

back is turned. They are all hypocrites. That's why I don't rely on anyone here in this school.

"No, please. I'll be quiet. No one will know that you skipped your class." He smiled. "What is

your na---Oh, Jung Eunha. Nice name!" He said as he took a glance at my nameplate.

I just ignored him. I ain't got time to entertain him.

"The weather feels so good, right?" He said, a smile is forming on his lips that makes his upper

lip become hidden.

"Nothing is good for me," I said, not looking at him.

"There is!"

"How do you say so?"

"God woke you up today. Be thankful."

I didn't reply. Yeah, I must be thankful. But the sadness always embracing me. I'm always... sad

and I feel so empty. I started to feel this way when those bad things happened. It's like I don't

have any rights to be happy anymore.


I looked at him.

"I c-called you Eunha because I think we are on same age---I mean, we are wearing

the same color of ID lace so I guess you are now in 10th grade" He explains

"But we are not friends," I told him and place my head on the desk, and closed my eyes.

"Aw. That was a bit harsh,"

I ignored him. I pretend that I fell asleep.

"I know that you are not sleeping."

"What do you want?"

"Tell me your problems."

"Why would I?"

"Because you look sad. It's written on your face."

I got startled.

"Don't mind me, please. Mind your own business." I told him and left the rooftop.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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