A Party On Willow Street

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Aya Phantom watched her mother pick up her tea, bring it to her lips, take a small sip, and replace it back to the glass saucer. The older Phantom, who shall be referred to as Mrs. Phantom, averted her daughters confused green eyes by pretending to admire the rose gardens which surrounded them. "A...Bodygaurd?" Aya repeated in a hushed tone, her mothers words still fresh in her mind. "Yes. I wish for you to have one." Mrs. Phantom spoke curtly wanting nothing more then for her daughter to shut her trap. However, Aya was still not quite understanding. A bodygaurd? For a fourteen year old? She wasn't famous or, in her mind, the slightest bit important. Sure, she had been born into a family with money, but that didn't make her special. "But Mother, why?" Mrs. Phantom sighed and tried to accept her daughters curious nature. As adaptable as she tried to be, however, her patience was diminishing. "For heavens sake Aya, just accept my decision. I will not tolerate anymore questions on the matter. He starts Sunday." Today was Saturday. "So tomorrow?" The younger girl prodded. "Aya! In the house now!" Clearly she had pushed her mother a bit to far this evening. Without hesitation, Aya stood and shuffled quickly on the cement pathway towards the back door. Strangely enough, it was the same rutine. Get into a disagreement with her mother in the garden, always in the garden, run into the house, up the two flights of stairs, and into the quiet sanctuary that was her room. That is where she found herself now. Slightly panting from racing up the stairs, but in her room where she was safe to think and talk freely. Her room was small, but by no means was the rest of the house. The second floor held three bedrooms. One was her own, the second, which was much larger then the first, was her mother's, and lastly was the guest room. Each room had it's own private bathroom and balcony. There was even an attic, but it was used for storage. On the ground floor, there was a a large kitchen separated from the dining room by a white door, a bathroom, and a ballroom. The ballroom was always Aya's favorite room in the house. Three of its four walls were all ceiling to floor glass windows and the view from it was beautiful. The ballroom overlooked the rose gardens and the trees that created a barrier around the perimeter of the house. And in the midst of the tan pathways and rose bushes, was a concrete fountain. Before he died, Aya's father made it a tradition to toss a coin in that very fountain on her birthday at exactly 11:11. Now that she thought about it, in a week she would be celebrating her first birthday without her father being there. It would be her fifteenth year in this world. Could that possibly be why her mother was so on edge? Aya highly doubted it.


Hey! This is my first story I have ever posted on wattpad and I'm sorry if the first chapter is a bit slow but I wanted to introduce a few characters and the scenery that would be important later in the story. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it and plan to keep reading! Please note that this story does belong

to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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