Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

I scrambled in through the doors to uncover a giant, over spaced building. There were three different entries on the left side and, what I'm guessing, the cafeteria on the other. Straight ahead was the exit from here to the other building with the classrooms of the school, from what I can tell. The emptiness made every foot step eco all around. I'm so fucking lost.

As an obvious pick I decided to go with choice A, since it had the word office over the top. I slid inside to find a tall silver looking desk, up to my chest, at the left side of the room. There were random things all over it. But still looked completely organized. With a pile of books on the right corner and framed photographs at the left where the, obviously new, computer was. On the other side of the room was the start of a hall that went to different offices in this side of the building.

Behind the desk was a middle aged women reading a book and holding a cup of tea on the other hand. She didn't look like a regular school staff kind of person. You know, the old, grumpy, overweight kind with a beep and passionate hatred tours kids. She seemed different. She had short, strait, light brown hair with a reasonable amount of makeup on. Her glasses were at the tip of her noise as she lip read the words from the book. She reminded me of someone.

I had no idea what to do, so just walk slowly to her, tucking my hands in my jeans pockets and coughed awkwardly. It only took a moment for her to realize I was there. She pleased her book down.

"Oh, hello there." She seemed like she was in a good mood. There weren't any people like that in my old school. Her toon was more pleasant.

"Hi" that came out more coldly then I intended it to be. But it didn't chang hers.

"Are you new here sweetie?" She tilted her head to one side a bit with a kind smile as she pleased her cup down too. " I don't think I've seen you before."

I nodded my head while looking around the office. Nothing looked like I expected, yet, it sour of did. I know I'm bound to get lost later today though. But I don't care, I know I'm not gonna stay here long.

"It's a pretty big school for my taste" she chuckles lightly. "but I get payed well and the kids don't give me to much of trouble. And I enjoy helping them with any sorts of trouble they go through.. " she looked over at the framed photos. "So, I'm guessing you are new then?" her head turned right to me while I continue to look around, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Um yes.. My name is Daniel. Daniel Howell but I prefer Dan.. Just Dan." I almost whispered the last part. But I've never had a genuine conversation with any kind of school staff before. It was mostly just a two word sentence to one another. Teachers there didn't really care about their students, or anything in general. Just the short shit of money they got.

"Well, just Dan, it's a pleasure to meet your aquatints. I'm Mrs. Smith, and you can come to me with any questions you may have." She had a friendly grin across her face. I felt oddly relaxed around her. She rolled her chair closer to her desk and properly a gusted her glasses when I smiled back.

"Alright then. Well I think we should print out your new schedule for your first day, to start off in the right track. Shale we?" She kept that smile and eyes crinkled at their corners as she typed away.

"Okay Mr. Daniel Howell. I mean, just Dan. That's H - O - W - E - L .... oh yes, here you are."

My mind and body suddenly tensed up as I heard the double doors I walked in from swing open. Is it that same guy from the parking lot? My heart beat increase with every foot step coming closer and closer to my detection. Oh my god, he's right behind me. Wait, what the fuck is wrong with me?

"Hey Mrs. Smith." His voice didn't sounds like what I expected, then again, nothing did. He was only a couple of inches away from my right now. But it felt like he didn't even no I was stand right beside him.

"Well hello Philip. I hope you have a valid excuse for coming in thirty minutes late today." Her face was a bit serious now, more then the toon of her voice.

"Umm.. I guess I just woke up late. I was studding all night for this test and..." He was trailing off, not looking straight at her. I can see the dark bags under his round eyes and his messy jet black hair. I hope he can't tell I'm practically studying every inch of his face.

"Are you sure that's what happened, Phil?" Her eyebrows frowned with his response. She seemed extremely concern for something I didn't know.

"Yes Mrs. Smith, I just, had a long night." He was looking down on her desk now. Even I could tell he wasn't being fully honest.

"Alright then, but Phil I think you've forgotten how perpetually long your tardiness been endangering you. And all this puts me in a position I'd never wanted to be in.." She paused for a moment. "But I think I have a proposition." Breathing out the ending and taking another sip of her tea.

"Now hear me out, I'm just wondering if you can show our new friend here around campus to get to know the school. And I'll see what I can do about your attendants." She ended with a half smile to Phil. What the hell is she trying to do?

"But.. but Mrs. Smith, I - I can't I.." He flinched and pulled his head up to her in a flash, his glumly expression, that matched his toon, completely visible again. He started fidgeting with his jumpers sleeves.

"Well I'm sorry Phil. I really do want to help you. But I can't if you don't tell me what's going on." She stated, looking deep into his tiered eyes, you can tell they'd had this talk before. She then got up from her chair and walked over the the printer at the right end of the desk.

"Here's you schedule sweetie." She handed me the paper when she got back on her chair.

"Thanks" I took it timidly. I felt so awkward being in between their conversation, not understanding what the hell they're talking about. And I don't want to be a bother to this guy. He clearly doesn't want anything to do with me, or anything at all. But this guy gave me unexplainable feelings when I looked into his brilliant blue eyes and... Dame it Dan. Shut up.

"It's alright Phil. You don't have..." She sighed before getting cut off.

"Fine, I'll - I'll show him around."


A\N: I know its a bit short.

But yeah, thats how far I've gotten with this story. And if, whoever is reading, wants me to continue then please tell me so. I'll still keep writing even if nobody dose though.

Anyways. Until next time, maybe. Thanks for reading.

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