Chapter 34

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Cyd pov:
I went in the bathroom and got my period. Yay! I actually think that Alison doesn't come yet. I'm still a teenager yass...gosh I feel bad for Shelby she's a month pregnant

A/N I know I said Shelby was like 5 months Was pregnant, but like I don't want cyd to get pregnant yet yeah and I don't want to write Shelby getting birth YET, because I have to be descriptive and um I gotta think about it 😂  so let start it all over

I came  out of the bathroom


Cyd:Shelby I'm pregnant

Shelby:what really??

Cyd:no I'm just joking I actually got my period

Shelby:what a relief

Cyd: you know you're one month pregnant right

Shelby:yeah I know I Just don't wanna see you and Naldo talking about it in less you want me too 😏

Cyd: okay??

Shelby:so are you and Naldo good?

Cyd:yeah you can say that... I don't really care right now I think I'm sick

Shelby:oh yeah you were throwing up

Cyd:I think I just drank to much last night


I smiled. Shelby and I went to Barry lab like always

Cyd:sup my dudes..


Cyd:do you gotta problem?

Barry:no it's just...

Cyd:it just...what?

Barry: never mind


Shelby: hey Barry so um you and Naldo wanna come to our house later?


Naldo: is that fine..cyd?

Cyd:I couldn't been more happier *sarcastic*

Naldo:we'll be there

Shelby: great

Naldo pov:

Why is cyd acting weird is it cause of last night? I mean it's called friend with benefits? I just wanna he her boyfriend again.. I guess that will never happen..

Time went passed by


We arrived at Shelby's  house, we came in without knocking I mean we never knock...

Shelby:oh hey guys sit at the table


We sat down at the table. Then I saw cyd coming down with a bored game..


Naldo:what you have there?

Cyd:oh this it's a game we gonna play

Cyd puts the game bored on the table

Shelby:oh um cyd..

Naldo:cyd you want to be playing this

Cyd: I mean yeah

Barry: you do know the ouija bored is a spirt game..right?


Shelby:can't we okay truth or dare

Cyd:fine but one day we will play this got it!

B,S&N:got it *scared*

Cyd went to put the ouija bored back and came back down stairs

Everyone sat down

Cyd:so whose gonna start?

Shelby: i will

Shelby: okay Barry truth or dare?

Barry:hm.. truth

Shelby:is it true you love someone else besides me?


Shelby: oh *looked down*

Barry:my parents

Shelby: oh yeah *smiles*

Cyd:I'll go  Shelby truth or dare

Shelby: truth

Cyd:does Barry know you pregnant?


Barry:yes I do know


Naldo:hold up let me get this straight, Shelby is pregnant?


Naldo:congrats Barry you gonna be a dad..

Barry:thank you

Barry:Naldo truth or dare?

Naldo: truth

Barry:is it true that you still have still have feelings for cyd?

Naldo:I mean um..

Cyd looks at me

Cyd:just say it


Barry:knew it

Shelby pov:
Me and Barry had a plan on this when they were gone, we were gonna make one of them say dare and we dare them to go in the closet for 7 minuets of heaven.

I'm so sorry I don't update I'll try to update at least every 3 weeks? 2 idk
Anyway have you guys seen season 2 if stranger things?

1) have you seen season 2 of stranger things or have you watched stranger things before?

2)have you seen riverdale?

3) have any shows I can watch on Netflix?

4)favorite song atm?

Word count - 665 - dang - now 666 oh wait now it's 673 what a relief nvm it's 679

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