Last Goodbyes and Pizza Pies

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It had been about four days since you left LA and slowly re-acclimated back to your jam packed summer. You luckily no longer had to worry about passing exams or making sure all of your homework was done and could now focus on choreographing you audition solo for the fall ballet along with helping out at the studio. Sure the days weren't nearly as exciting as they had been while on vacation, but you loved to dance and you loved sharing that passion with your students. Turning the corner you saw the sign for the studio and headed right in walking slowly up the stairs while humming a tune. You passed dozens of smiling faces and loving embraces from the younger kids as you made your way to your room where you set up for the three hour pointe class you were teaching. Around fifteen minutes before class started you turned on some light classical music, opened the door so students could come in and stretch, and went to the back room to change and refill your water bottle.

Tom's POV

I had been going crazy these past three days. I still had time before going back on the press tour and then up to Canada for Chaos Walking filming, but things haven't been nearly as fun. Harry, Mum, and Paddy left to go work on Harry's project, Zendaya is out filming her disney show, and while I love spending time with Haz and Jacob, it hasn't been the same without (Y/N). I dropped Haz off yesterday for his flight back home since his sister was missing him big time, and Jacob went home to visit his family, so here I am stuck in LA by myself. A minute or two passes and then I make a sort of irrational decision, I am going to fly out to New York to see (Y/N) before taking a connecting flight to Montreal.

    Landing in JFK was an experience, I made it my mission to not let it leak anywhere that I was flying there, and for the first time I had ever been to this airport after being in movies no one was cued up with posters that said things like "I ♡ Tom Holland" or "Will you be my date to Homecoming?" As I walked out I hailed a cab and began the long ride to West Manhattan.

    After tipping the cabbie generously I stepped out of the car and looked up, and there was the sign that read Spotlight Studio, I smiled to myself and walked in.

(Y/N)'s POV

    As you came back in you noticed your usual students all sprawled out on the floor stretching and warming their muscles up, you walked over to the mirror and began to pull your hair into a bun while asking the students to stand near a barre.

    "Sorry, am I late?" you heard a male voice ask.

    "Tardiness is frowned upon here, please find your place at the barre and stay an extra five minutes after class," you responded without merely looking up from your lesson plans for the day.

You walked over to the stereo and put on your Ballet and Barre playlist and then proceeded to walk over to your place at the barre at the front of the room. Looking up you noticed that the late straggler was none other than Tom, and by the looks on many of the students in the room, they too had picked up on this fact. Finding some composure you began to lead the class in plies and port de bras. Walking around the room you smiled to yourself and proceeded to approach Tom, draped in black from head to toe he looked the part of a ballet dancer, but his form was a little lackluster.

    You placed your hand on Tom's back and the other on his shoulder as to straighten his back. This caused him to stiffen, the expression on his face changing.

    "You're not pointing your toes enough, and you're moving your arm too much."

    "Oh please, like it's physically possible for me to point any more."

    "Keep up that attitude Thomas and you'll get even more time after class to have to stay. And that cuts into my personal rehearsal time, so please stop talking back, suck in that gut of yours and point your damn feet."

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