Meeting His Friends (Billy)

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Billy looks from the door than back down to me. His lips capturing mine again in a deep kiss. His hands pulling my body up and tight into his. Moaning I grab at his skin enjoying his taste and touch. He pulls back to quick for my taste. Grabbing him closer I feel his chuckle radiate through him and into me. "Your making it hard to get up," he whispers against my lips. "Than stop trying so hard to leave," I groan out grabbing his pants and pulling him even closer. He smirks and starts moving slowly against me. The pounding on the door starts again. I groan heavily "cockblocker!" I yell out as Billy gets off me. He holds out his hand for me, "they won't stop. Get up," he states. I take his hand letting me pull him off the bed. He gets me onto my feet as I grumble, he moves and gets me my jeans again. "There your friends, why do I have to go out there?" I grumble pouting at him not wanting to go meet people when I am so tired.
Billy raises his eyebrow at me as he hands me my bra back. I pout at him and he kisses me softly. "Get dressed," he whispers making me frown as he pulls on a shirt. Grumbling profanities under my breath I pull my pants back on and put my bra on under my shirt. Billy puts his arm around my waist. "You'll enjoy meeting them," he whispers pulling me into his chest. I sigh as he pulls me even closer into his chest "I love you," he whispers as I pull open the door, I'm grumpy from having a long day than being cock blocked. I was very upset at this, Billy pulls me closer to his body kissing my temple. "I loovee yoouu," he sing songingly says as we come to the living room. "Yeah I love you to," I mumble to him making him pull me even closer. I yawn softly as he pulls me into his side. "Hi," I state snuggling into Billy's side enjoying his warmth. I did not want to be standing here.
A few chuckles sound around the room. "Shy?" One of them asks Billy, me and Billy look at each other. Billy snorts at the thought of me being shy. I smack Billy's chest, "no," I state because it's true I use to be shy than I stopped caring about what others think. "That's my girl," he whispers making me want to shove him away. "Than why so quiet? Why are you hiding in his chest?" One of them with a mask asks me. "Why have you not introduced yourselfs?" I shoot my question back at him. Billy chuckles and pulls me closer as all eyes turn to him. Chuckling I hug him softly "that is my fault. They want me to introduce them to you. Along with you to them," he explains so I turn and look up at him waiting. "Guys meet my girl (y/f/n) (y/l/n). (Y/n/n) meet my friends Robert Gray, Michael Myers, Freddy Kruger, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Hannibal Lector, Daniel Robitaille, Norman Bates, Charles Ray, and Tex Swayer," Billy says introducing us to each other while waving one hand but keeping the other plastered on me.
           I suppress my groan and plaster my bartender smile on my lips. "Pleasure to meet you guys," I say nodding my head politely. "That is a fake smile," Hannibal states making my checks heat up. "You know your happy stop being a grump," Billy comments almost making me want to shake my head. "I'm not grumpy, I'm tired. I never said I wasn't happy," I state sticking my tongue out at Billy than turning away quickly so he can not and does not bite my tongue. Billy pulls me closer into his chest making me blush deeper. "You guys are sickly cute," Freddy comments making me smile at how dumb that sounds. "Aww I thought you said Freddy don't got a heart babe," I comment trying to make Freddy feel embarrassed. Freddy shifts on his feet as everyone else laughs or chuckles. "Match made in joker heaven," he grumbles crossing his arms over his chest in an annoyed postcher. Chuckling I smile wider knowing he is just joking with us and enjoying us teasing him.
           Freddy doesn't stand with his arms crossed for long. "You love being the butt of the joke huh?" Robert asks making me snort at the joke within the question. "Well it's confirmed they both have a jokers mentality," Daniel comments making me and Billy look at each other than shrug. "It's not our fault we know how to have fun," Billy states than pinches my hip in a tickling style. "Noo! You start that and you will sleep on the couch," I cry out not wanting his tickling to start. His fingers stop as he yanks me back into him. "Is he tickling you?" Norman asks seeming a bit confused. I give a slow nod "yes but I have the weapon that stops him from doing so," I answer feeling like my smile is gonna split my face in two. "Which is not fair! You know I don't like your couch," Billy grumbles to us, smiling I look back at him. "Ohh I'm sorry, you gonna buy me a new couch since you don't like the one I got?" I question raising my eyebrow at him telling him to test me.
          Billy starts to grumble and groan making me smile since I yet again won. "No dear, your couch is lovely," he grumbles out, "yes it is. Which is why your butt will love it so much when they leave," I state turning back to his friends smirking. Billy's head hits my shoulder signaling that I did in fact win again. "Damn you, what did Daniel say, wear the pants in your relationship," Tex states making me giggle. "Ohh yes, I really do wear the pants," I conform making Billy groan more. "Don't tell them that!" He grumbles into my shoulder making me pant his leg. Billy was many things, a whinner is one of them. I roll my eyes at how annoying he was acting. I hit Billy in the leg hopping he gets that I'm telling him to cut his act. His hands move to my back, his hands slowly move up the back of my shirt.
           Gulping I press my lips into a thin line trying not to let a moan escape my lips. "You okay (y/n/n)?" Jason asks me tilting his head. I nod my head at him as Billy's starts to trace lines on my lower back. I move move foot over to on top of his and press down slightly. "You guys are violent," Charles states as Billy runs his nails down my back slowly. "Yes we are," I grumble moving away from him and his nails. "You started it," he whines out, I turn to Billy getting annoyed of the whining "you've been drinking again," I comment finally realizing why he's acting this way. His face pales and he starts wildly shaking his head, than he slowly stops looking down at the floor. He gives me a slow nod as I can feel his friends watching us. Crossing my arms over my chest I turn back to his friends. Billy reaches out to me but side step away from his hand. He was pass three beers and I didn't want him touching me if he's drunk.
           I see Charles physically stiffen in the way he's standing. "I didn't mean to-" Charles starts but I wave him off. "You have nothing to apologize for. Your not the one who's drunk, again. You also didn't try to lie to me," I state after cutting him off shooting Billy a glare. Billy shifts on his feet looking lost and sad. Our ferrets start scratching at the walls of the cage. I look over at them, "what are there names?" Michael asks me causing me to look back at them then to the ferrets again. Smiling I look at my happy ferrets. "The guy is called blood and the female is gore," I point at Billy as I answer. "What in the world is with those names?" Tex questions, I just continue pointing at Billy. "All him, just him," I comment than start sneezing multiple times. "I'm gonna go get a Kleenex," I state wanting to just get away from this position. I move to the bedroom where I keep them. I hear footfall fallowing me, but I ignore it.
           I rub my forehead not liking the headache that's coming on from being lied to. Grabbing a Kleenex I sit on the bed as the door to the bedroom closes. Looking up I see Daniel standing there. Blowing my nose I throw away the tissue. Looking back up at Daniel I see him leaning his head against the door. "You okay Daniel?" I ask him not moving from my seat on the bed confused. "You love Billy right?" Daniel asks making me chuckle softly. "More than I'll ever be able to tell. Why?" I ask, sure me and him bicker but what couple doesn't. "Is that why you got annoyed when he lied?" He questions farther looking over at me with his head still pressed against the door. I nod to him "he's the man I love. I'm in a relationship with. I tell him nothing but the truth, that's all I want from him. If he can't tell me the truth he shouldn't come up with a lie," I explain to him putting my hands on my legs. Daniel moves and sits next to me, I was uneasy but did not worry since he and Billy are friends.
Daniel looks at me than pinches the bridge of his nose. "Daniel come on, spill. What's wrong?" I question my bartender mentality of helping others flaring. "She's so pretty and I look like a shoe. She's got a good job and I kill," he grumbles closing his eyes tight. "Do you think your girlfriend does not love or care about you?" I ask kinda confused on what he's upset about. "How can she love me? I don't help out with anything. I've seen the men interested in her," he questions than starts rambling on. I put my hand on his shoulder stopping his rambling. "I can't tell you why she loves you. But I can bet you anything, it's because you help take care of her. A women does not need someone to give them the world. We need someone who makes us feel like that persons whole world. You should her you worry, you check in on her, stuff like that is why she loves you so," I explain not knowing how to help him. "Than what do I do? What do I do to make sure she only sees me? I can't lose her," He inquires seeming completely lost.
I smile at him sadly, hearing the hopelessness in his voice. "You talk to her," I state hopping he realizes it is as easy as he thinks it is. He looks over at me than shakes his head "she will think I'm a scaredy cat," Daniel hesitates as he mals over the word he wants to use to explain what he thinks she'll view him as. "No, never. It builds a relationship, you would not want your girl thinking this way right?" I ask wanting him to understand what I'm telling him. He nods his head his face showing how confused he is. "You'd want her to talk to you right?" I question making him nod his head again. "Would you think of her as a scaredy cat for thinking this way?" I ask again knowing I probably am upsetting him by asking one question at a time. "Of course not, she's telling me ho-" he starts telling me than stops as it clicks in his head how she would view him. "I'm stupid," he mumbles running his hand down his face.
Chuckling it's my turn to shake my head at him. "No, your just worried. Your also in love, talk to her," I state than nudge his shoulder with mine. Standing up I wink at him, "a smart man once said 'For the most part, fear is nothing but an illusion. When you share it with someone else, it tends to disappear.'" I say than head to the door not wanting Billy to get the wrong idea. "Are you going to forgive Billy?" Daniel asks me as I open the door "when he apologizes," I mumble so only he can hear. He gives me a nod stepping out of the bedroom and heading into the living room. Looking at the bed I debate on moving back to if and flop down onto it. Sighing I leave the bedroom knowing I can come back to it as soon as they leave. Billy was board stiff and glaring at Robert when I enter. All I wanted to do was just turn around sighing and go back to the bedroom and let them attack each other but I couldn't. I'm part the reason Billy is probably upset. Maybe if I hadn't told him to stop drinking he wouldn't lie about it. Stepping next to Billy I hock my thumbs into my back pockets. I hit my elbow to his arm making him look down at me in what I assume is shock.
I give him a soft smile not wanting upset or grouchy Billy anymore. I wanted my carefree and playful one, the one I had in the bedroom. "We will talk later," he says to me so I just shrug softly not knowing what else he would like me to say. His small smile he was growing slips as his eyes grew sadder. "You two okay?" Jason's asks, thank lord for sweet teddy bears. I nod smiling at Billy than looking at his friends. "Yeah, we will be. All that's needed is a goon nights sleep," I answer smiling more, hopping for the best we will be okay. Billy slowly pulls my hand from holding onto my pocket. He interlocks our fingers and I could only say that my heart melted at his simpleness and worry of holding my hand. I mean he messed up, we both will mess up, shouldn't mean I should be too hard on him. "It's good to see you are not too mad at him," Hannibal says making me smile, chuckling I smile looking over at Billy.
I hum softly trying to keep myself somehow awake. My stomach grumbles softly making me freeze, I could not remember if I had gotten food from the bar or not so I got my answer. "We should be going, my girlfriends shop is about to close and I want to be there to help her pack it up," Hannibal says making me smile softly. "That's cute," I comment as he is first to step towards me. Smiling I hold out my free hand for him to shake. He shifts the had he had been going to give me to the other one. Shaking his hand he winks making Billy squeeze my hand soft almost like he's laying claim to me. Michael was up next he grabs me in a quick hug than moves away making me chuckle softly. "Nice meeting you too Michael," I state after him making him just nod once. Robert was a little odd with his clown paint but I don't mind. I had a friend who use to love dressing up as a clown. I let go of Billy hand pulling free and wrapping Robert in a hug.
Robert seems to freeze than hug back tighter. "Thanks, you seem great whipping him into shape," Robert whisper, "he is in shape. My type of shape, the one where I get to laugh lots," I whisper back than pull back slowly smiling. Robert shakes his head smiling making his red smile look supper creepy. Chuckling I smile not being able to help how odd he looks. Thomas steps up before I can pull back and wraps me up into a tight hug pulling my feet off the floor. Laughing more I hug him back as much as I can. He chuckles gleefully like a little kid putting my feet back onto the floor. Norman steps up as Thomas moves away with a wink. Norman much like Hannibal was more mature and more for handshakes. Or that at least was my take on those too. Norman gives me a soft smile as we shake hands. Freddy steps up and seems to go for a hand shake but pulls me into a hug. "He was a bigger loud mouth and a hug partier. He must really wanna keep you to calm down on those," Freddy whispers in my ear. Before I can reply I'm being pulled away from him by my elbows by Billy.
Freddy raises his hands and seems to raise the eyebrows he doesn't has making me giggle softly. "It's true," I stare smiling as Billy plants a soft kiss on the back of my head as Freddy steps to the door and the others that are ready to leave. Charles takes position in front of me holding out his hand. I shake his hand as Billy seems to hover close behind me. When Jason steps up Billy steps back making me look up at the head or head and so more taller than me man. He pants my head as I catch a glimpse of a smile in his eye. "Be safe," he seems to grunts out as I swat away his hand. Tex and Daniel look at each other seeming in debate. Tex steps up and tips his hate to me making me smile. "Cowboy," I state jokingly as I nod back. Tex cracks a smile making mine grow wider. Daniel seemed slow as though he was worried as he moves closer to me than wraps his good arm around me in a hug.
I wrap both arms around him and rub his back softly. "It will all be okay. Just talk to her. You know what I mean, don't be afraid," I say in a low tone not wanting the others to hear. "What if it fails and she thinks I am?" Daniel asks, I shake my head as he talks. "You are as strong as your girl behind you. If she thinks your weak it's because something is making her feel weak," I comment than pull back before he can continue trying to talk himself out of it. He stares at me seeming the curse me out mentally. He nods to me and they all move even closer to the door. "Good bye," I say waving softly, Billy grabs my free hand and gently kisses it just giving a soft grunt. His friends leave as Billy moves in front of me. "I need to apologize," Billy says, I clamp my lips closed tight and nod. He sighs holding my left hand tight and kissing my knuckles.
He looks up at me thumbing my fingers. "I should not have lied to you about being drunk even if I do not feel it. You said more than 3 is drunk, even if I was gonna be asleep after my beers I still should have told you before we came out here I had been drinking. I apologizing for lying, I did not want to upset you. Next time I promise to be upfront. I love you and I'm deeply sorry," he says alternating from watching his thumb stroke my fingers to looking me deep in the eyes. Smiling I lean forward and kiss me softly "your forgive, can you feed the ferrets so I can grab a quick dinner?" I ask him, he kisses my nose softly than seems to bounce away. Moving I heat up 2 slices of pizza left over, changing into pjs I smile as I see Billy doing the same. Kissing his nose we move to the kitchen so I can eat. Billy hugs me kissing my shoulder and head. When I finish he picks me up and carries me to the bedroom. He puts me under the covers than gets in next to me putting his head on my chest. "I love you beautiful, good night," he whispers making me blush. We both are over tired so those words seem over sweet to my tired mind as he covers us up.

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