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Devils, Angels we have heard of them the evil cast down into the depths of Hell. How the Angels protect and serve God and the humans. What you know is lies for the Devils and Angels live among us, and in some cases they die among us. The wars between the archangels and the 7 heads of hell also know to humans as the 7 deadly sins were the most deadly to humans a natural disaster to the Angels and devils a battle for the earth. The 7 devils fought for something much more powerful then killing the archangel. The devils made plans to take over shrines to feed off the humans desires to poison the world. This war did exactly what they needed with moment the battel began the sins reentered the world. With the world filled with sins once again humans fell into the since including a indivisual that would shape the new world of sins. As the Archangel Michael fought the sin Wrath the most deadly of all 7 sins. A small family across the world of the battle were consumed with sin. The individual is a 18 year old female named Ôka Harahu. Oka being forced as a slave to her mother and father since a child. Suffering from all the tourment and abuse her fate was set being held in the hands of the devil. As the war became more intense the will of Oka was being torn by the devil using her as a puppet for the events to come. The archangel Michael struck down wrath with this the sins would surely be defeated as both sides were growing tried and weak. Before Michael and the other archangels could smite the sins Wrath used his energy to drag him self to the sins as a last effort that he and the devil planned as a way to win no matter what. With the events set in motion so did Okas fate. Okas mind was flooded with rage revenge pure hate for the parents who abused and made her a slave. With all the thoughts coming in her mind so did the actions to do what they want. Oka took the knife she was using to prepare dinner for her lazy mother and walked slowly to her mother's room. Silently watch her mother sleep this was the only opportunity were oka could strike. With no second thought Oka plunged the knife deep into her mother's chest awakening her with a face of horror. Oka stabbed the knife into her mother more and more until her own face was covered with the blood of her now dead mother. Laughter filled the room okas breaking point was finally his and her soul linked with the soul of the sin Wrath. With this wrath had a power boost but only for a short amount of time wrath used this to potision him self in front of the Angels as his physical form broke and chipped away laughing as he threw himself onto Michael grining wildly. The father of Oka could hear the laughter of his daughter he stormed into the room where is wife layer dead and a laughing Oka stood staring. Oka smiled stabbing her self in the left side of her chest smiling knowing he would be put to blame and she could escape. The father in blind rage beat Okas dying body taking the knife and sliting her throat leaving deep wounds down her now lifeless body. With Okas soul being pulled away from her body it triggered Wrath to send off a powerful blast effecting only the Angels pushing them back to heaven leaving the 6 sins on earth they stayed for a moment then aggreed that the center of the operation will be for Wrath for his sacrifice. The sins went there sepret ways the only sin to stay is lust. Lust went back to the depths of hell to retrieve the new wrath. The devil held Oka out the symbol of wrath showed on her left breast while her hair was as long as her own body. Her once dark brown hair turned white with soft pink tones. Lust took the new born sin into her arms. She smiled as she made her way to where the center shrine will be. It was bulit by the demon servernts made to keep the Angels away and out. Lust was in charge of showing Wrath the basics of how the shrine will be runned. For more then 10,000 years Oka stayed and protected for her shrine, this however was about to come to a end.

(If there is typos and shit then makes sense didn't proof read yet oops))[[THIS IS NOT FINSISHED OKAY I CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH IT'S 1 AM DAMMIT]]

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