The fateful dinner

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I was sitting at the table, gently stroking the mahogany wood finish, waiting for dinner even though it wasn't for another two hours. The Avoxes were already prepping everything because president snow would be joining us tonight for some special announcement.
I had nothing to do. I couldn't go outside, watch TV, or read. I felt like a prisoner but I was treated like a princess. As the six O'clock hour was approaching more and more Avoxes arrived, the room already looked perfect and even more so as it loomed over the bright city.
I finally heard a knock at the door, and of course Effie ran there to greet the guests. I never really felt comfortable around President Snow. There was just something about him that gave me great distress as he sat directly across from me at the table.
"Good Evening, Ms. Everdeen"
"Good evening President Snow, you are looking quite well." I said while avoiding eye contact. The lights were dimmed enhancing the deep lines and wrinkles on his face. Someone must've done a whole lot off shit to make him look this old.
Finally, dinner was served. Lamb stew with Rye bread and a whole lot of other stuff I can't even name. I reached for the ever so delicious bread when I catch one of the Avox bakers staring at me as I take the bread. His shaggy blond hair was in his face and his eyes and the deep circles under them showed deep pain.
I quickly looked away.
I took at bite of the bread but I could still feel his eyes on me. I look at him about to yell but something stops me. Perhaps it was the fact that he was new but I knew I have seen him before. The bread melts in my mouth just like the memory of me seeing that Avox before.
As the Avox slips back into the kitchen I ask Effie "that Avox over there in the kitchen, who is he?"
"Katniss!! You don't need to take interest in such a foul creature! He is just a baker and you are not supposed to be paying attention to him. He probably caused a rebellion or something"
I take another bite of the bread when his face flashes before me. The games flash before me my sister. Oh my sister, my sweet Primrose!! What is happening!?!?!?!?! I don't know!! I now remember the mutts that represented the tributes in the 74 games WHICH I WAS IN!! And I won!!! The quarter quell the next year. The war not long after. I remember all the people that died for me. Because of me.
"Katniss are you okay?"asks Effie.
I only say one word as that oh so familiar Avox appears from the kitchen once again. And that word is "PEETA!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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