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You silently cursed to yourself as you speed walked to the nearby cafe.
'Man, why can't Elizaveta stop with the damned ships! First it's Køhler, then that Prussian, and now Jones! Who's next?!' You thought to yourself as you saw the cafe shop a few blocks away. You smiled and started jogging into the cafe with your laptop in your hands safely.


"What's up, Y/N!" Alfred asked as he ruffled your hair slightly. You responded, "Nothing much, how about you Alfie?" The hamburger-addicted teen boy smiled cheekily and quickly replied with, "Just being the hero, like always!"

A pale blonde boy with a curl sticking out overheard your conversation with Alfred F. Jones, but it didn't matter that much to him. Well, until the Danish boy chuckled and nudged the Norwegian teasingly." Stop it, you stupid Dane," Lukas whispered quietly and angrily, but loud enough for Matthias to hear. The Dane chirped, "Come on, Lukas! You like her, and you know it! Just confess already!" Lukas sighed and grabbed Matthias by the tie and started choking him normally. "A-ack! L-Lukas, let go!" The Dane managed to choke out before the Norwegian reluctantly let go. "What makes you think I 'like' her when I barely know anything about her? She's going to think I'm a freak. After all, we've never even talked before," he sighed, fiddling with his hands.

"Hey hey hey, frau!" Gilbert greeted in his 'awesome and manly' voice. "Heyo, Gil!" You smiled and greeted back as you had already sat down to work on a project. Gilbert sat in the seat beside you before you felt a new presence approaching. You looked up curiously and saw the tall Dane you had become friends with since you had joined college. Smiling, you asked, "Yes, Matty?" Matthias grinned cheerfully and dumb-like before he took a seat and asked, "Y/N, what's your phone number again? I keep forgetting." You looked up and replied with," *** *** ****." Matthias smirked devilishly and said, "Thanks, Y/N! I won't forget again, I promise." "Mhm, sure, like you won't forget we have the same home room." You rolled your eyes, still typing away.

Lukas sighed as the Dane walked back with a huge grin slapped on his face. "What did you do this time," the shorter male mumbled as Matthias grabbed the Norwegian's phone and started typing in the memorized digits quickly. He smiled innocently as he handed back the phone and walked away with a small chuckle. Lukas quickly unlocked his phone and was relieved to see nothing there.
'Wait... who is this?' The Norwegian asked as he tapped on the new message he delivered to the mysterious number. "Y/N, right?" He read quietly too himself. 'That stupid Dane-!' He looked down and looked at the phone before a new message popped up. "Yeah... who is this?" Lukas responded with a frown present on his face; 'Sorry, a close friend of mine who's stupid had asked.'

You chuckled as Gilbert and Alfred looked at her closely. "What's so funny, Y/N?" The American asked as he poked your cheek, quick to annoy you again. "Oh nothing, Alfred," You said reassuringly.

~Time Skip to a few hours~

"'Meet me at the Sakura tree in 15 minutes.' Huh?" You pondered as you walked towards the doors of school. You quickly replied with an alright. Currently, classes were almost over, and you just had to put up your books. You chuckled softly as you felt Alfred ruffle your hair and Gilbert poke your cheek. "Where do you think you're going, L/N?" Elizaveta smirked as Kiku approached. "Y/N-San, may I ask when you and him are going to have your wedding? I'd rove to be there." "E-eh?! Kiku-Sama, but with who?!" The raven haired boy smiled and walked away, achieving his goal of making you blush. Elizaveta started jogging to catch up to him, and it hit you.

Time was almost running out.

"W-wait!!!" You shoved everything into your locker and quickly ran outside. You saw a male figure with a curl radiating off of his head standing by the tree, waiting patiently before he sighed and started walking away, clearly disappointed that you, the girl of his dreams, hadn't shown up. "H-hold up!!!" You managed to shout between heavy breaths and huffs as you turned him around when you caught up to him. "L-Lukas?!" You asked, shocked. "What." Turning you look at you dully, he rolled his eyes and glared at you. "I-I-I-I didn't know! What were you going to tell me?!" "Never mind. Go spend time with that stupid American, or is it that Prussian always following you?" "N-no! I want to hear you out!" "It doesn't matter anymore."
"What are you- mphm-!" Lukas couldn't even finish his sentence, as you smashed your lips onto his, pushing him to ground, you on top of him. After letting go, you sat up. "Don't doubt me, Lukas Bondevik. Just tell me, okay, idiot?"

A Cold Heart Surrounded by Warm Love [ Norway x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now