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Hello. I am the author and I've been seeing your requests to update for a while now. I started this story in 2015 and I've changed a lot as an individual and as a writer. I was wondering if I should continue this story or not. I have been rereading and evaluating my past self's writing and a lot of tweaking has to be done, so I will fix the story so far, but I'm unsure if I should continue or not since I have fallen a bit out of the fandom a bit before the manga and story of Fairy Tail had officially ended. Though I gotta say, I wrote the part about the Dragon being inside the dragonslayer all on my own, way before the official release, I was surprised. But I want to know what you, as the readers believe what I should do with this story. I won't apologize because shit happens in life and I tend to procrastinate. But comment or not but I want to see what you readers think. Good Luck and Goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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