T: Tessa
C: Chance
A: Anthony
J: JakeT: Hey jake are change and anthony moving into the team 10 house?
J: I'm not sure yet you can ask them to see if they want to
T: Okay but where are they sleeping tonight?
J: Anthony is gonna sleep in the best bedroom and chance is gonna sleep in your room is that okay?
T: Yes that's fine i'll go tell them we're there staying and i'll help them set up
J: Thanks tess
T: No problem jake*Tessa goes down stairs to get Chance and Anthony*
T: Hey Chance and Antony
C&A: Hey Tessa
T: I'm here to show you were your gonna be sleeping
C&A: Okay*They go upstairs*
T: Anthony this is where you'll be staying okay
A: Okay thanks tess
T: Np
T: Chance you will be staying in my room
C: Um okay
T: Do you not wanna stay in here?
C: No it's perfect
T: Okay i'll let you get settled in i'll be down stairs if you need me
C: Okay thanks tess
T: No problem Chance