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"Kizano-Chan!" I drop my phone in surprise. I bend over and pick it up, then I read the message. It's weird, though. She never texts me. 

Here goes:

Kizano Yuki: OMG!!

(Y/N): Hn?

Kizano Yuki: The new guy in our class is probably the most hottest person on earth!!

(Y/N): *hottest, not most hottest. Also, isn't his name Takako Kiaba? I spoke with him earlier today. But more importantly? What is the special occasion, why are you texting me? Your last text was five months ago...

Kizano Yuki: Oh, I forgot to also tell you that someone that confessed to you..... died.

(Y/N): Tf? What the hell do you mean "died"? Did he study too hard or something?

Kizano Yuki: Look it up, you have a laptop, right? You are practically a really famous online author here, so you gotta have a laptop!

(Y/N): Fine.... Text you later, though. Also *got to


I wonder who it was. I don't believe I had someone confess to me recently. The most recent confession I had was around three months ago, but we because best friends, and his feelings were washed away. His name is Konishi Kuro. He's been my best friend ever since the confession. 

Why would someone want to kill Kuro-Kun? Even though his name means "black", he's a very shy and honest personality. I rejected him because he was a little too extreme for me. His childishness shot through the roof! He was pretty popular at school, but so was I. We were popular for different reasons. I'm still popular because I'm a pretty decent online author and this is a small town in Japan. Word travels fast. He was popular with the ladies because of his shota look. All the girls adored him and basically established him as their brother. 

Well, I'm now alone, but I really miss you Kuro-Kun. I'll attend your memorial and pay my respects. I'm popular, yes, however, I just only hung out with Kuro-Kun. I annoyed him with the song Magical Kitty Len Len! (I never had a sentence use that many commas, wow.) That's something I'll never forget. 

I sighed. I don't think I'm able to get over his death, he's the only one that was actually my friend, and surprisingly the only friend in my life. 

I crawled over to the cabinets for something to eat, but they were empty. I really need to stop eating takeout and convenience store food, and actually buy rice, eggs, and whatever. Candy, too.

I checked my phone clocked and got ready for my shift at a local convenience store. Hair ties littered my wrists, my silky (H/C) locks were combed into a (curly/wavy/straight) style. 

I grabbed my keys, got my phone, got my wallet, ran out the door, and I made sure everything was locked. From gates to doors to windows. I'm really over protective of my house, only because I need to keep my laptop safe. Did I ever close the curtains? Whatever I can't be late again, Shiro won't be too happy if I'm late. 

I walk in the door and run to the back room of the building. I look in the mirror and grab my coal black apron. I had trouble tying the back, but I pretied the neck area, and I pinned my name tag on. "Shiro-Chan, can you tie the back of my apron, I'm having trouble with it." I smiled innocently.

"No," he huffed (and puffed, and blew the convenience store down! Not really).

"Fine, Shiro-Kun."

"That's better, (Y/N)-Chan,) he smiled.

I lifted my (H/L) hair up (unless your hair doesn't go down to the middle of your back), and had him tie it for me. I heard the door chime, signaling that someone walked through. Shiro-Chan isn't done tying my apron, and it's going to be really embarrassing if someone saw us. Shiro-Chan goes to a different school but he is the same age as I.

"Welcome!" I said, only to be polite.

"Do you know where the chips are at. . ." he stopped to look at my name tag, which I don't think he was able to, because Shiro-Chan is taking his sweet-ass time tying a simple bow in to my damn apron!

"I'm (L/N) (Y/N)," I did a close eyed smile so the male wouldn't see the fury burning in my eyes.

"I'm Takoka Kiaba. Say, do you go to Sakura Art High?" 

"Yes, are you the new student, that I heard about?" Shiro you almost done?

"Yes, you were absent today, why though?"

"You don't need to know that." I said as kindly as possible, but I don't think there is any kindness to that statement in general. I then turn to Shiro-Chan, "Shit-Chan, you almost done tying that bow?"

"Now, I'm Shit-Chan?" He looked at me.

"Only if you don't finish that bow in five seconds." I folded my arms across my chest. "Ichi, ni, san, shi-"

"Okay, I finished!" He cut me off.

"Thank you Shiro-Kun, now because of that, you can help out this lovely customer." I present Takoka-San to him and push him out of the counter area.

Kiaba's P.O.V.:

I watched as that Shit-Chan flirted with my (Y/N)! Does she really not remember me? I need her to remember me, and that promise. 

No. . .Did she lie. . .? She couldn't have. . .right? She loved me. . . But did she move on. . .? No, she is mine, and will continue to be mine, just like she promised!

I'll save Shit-Chan for later. That Konishi guy was said to be (Y/N)-Senpai's best friend, right? Too bad he died before I was able to kill him. He also liked her, which isn't aloud! Too bad, I wondered how he died. 

A/N: It is 2:43 AM as I type this.... Pedro is going to kill me- oh wait it's 2:44 AM now!! I gotta hurry and type this, so okay, this is very clicheandIloveyoubye! AlsoI'mgoingtogetkilled,I'mgonnamissyouall,okaybyeforreals-ohno2:45ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Updated A/N: So I have updated my mess ups in this chapter :)

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