Daehyun: My Feet Are Running To You

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"My feet are running to you. I miss you. It hurts so much that I can't hold it in. I will tell you. I love you."

You stared at the envelope on the coffee table, the bold words  staring up at you as you held your head in your hands. You had applied  for a full-ride scholarship for a college, knowing the chances of you  receiving it were low, and you never expected to actually get accepted.  Everything was perfect; they were basically paying you to go to school  there. The only problem, it was overseas. You didn't know how Daehyun  was going to react to this news. You and Daehyun had been together for  almost three years now, and were as much in love as you were in the  beginning. He was your everything, as you were his, but you both knew  your boundaries. You knew that he would be traveling a lot and you  understood that, so maybe he won't be too worried about you going  overseas? It's not like you see much of each other anyway, mainly  sticking to video calls and while you were content with him, you were  getting antsy just staying home and working all the time. You wanted to  follow your dreams and so you applied for the college of your dreams.  You had gotten the acceptance letter four weeks ago and had been keeping  it from Daehyun, but you hated keeping secrets from him, so you decided  to tell him today. You heard a knock on the door and got up, going to  answer it and smiling as Daehyun was waiting outside for you.

"Jagiya!" he smiled and came in, wrapping his arms around you and kissing you passionately, "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Dae," you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your forehead against his.

"I'm really glad we both had free time today, Jagi," he smiled and kissed you again before you led him to the couch.

"I  really need to talk to you, Daehyun," you spoke quietly, seeing him  furrow his brow in confusion as his expression went serious. He nodded,  coaxing you to start talking. You grabbed the envelope from the table  and handed it to him, watching as he took it and opened to, reading it.  His face looked proud until he got to the end, seeing the location  stamped on the letter.

"______..." he looked up at you, furrowing his brow more, "Y-You're leaving? Going overseas?"

"I... I don't know yet, honestly," you said, taking the letter and setting it aside, "It's an amazing opportunity, Daehyun."

"But you're leaving me," he said, his voice growing angry.

"Dae,  please don't look at it like that," you said, feeling your heart  beating faster, preparing for the argument that would ensue, "You know  this is what I've been wanting from the get go."

"Don't look at it  like that?" he repeated, laughing dryly, "That is exactly what this is!  You are leaving me, to go to school! You just don't care enough about  me to stay!"

"Daehyun, I'm not leaving you, I would just be...  moving... temporarily," you said, watching as he stood, waving his arms  around, "Please, baby, you know I love you."

"You're completely  leaving me! You're leaving me to go to school overseas," he furrowed his  brow, his expression showing how angry he was.

"Is it any different from you?" you asked, regretting the words as soon as they came out, watching his expression go sad.

"Don't say that. It's not the same, ______," he said, turning away from you, his voice sounding like he was going to cry.

"Not the same? It's the exact same, Daehyun," you said, standing up and walking over to him.

"It's not the same," he repeated, looking to the floor, "It's not like I want to leave you... I have to."

"To follow your dream?" you asked, tilting your head.

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