Gaster! Sans x papy! Reader

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(If you don't know what I mean by this it basically means you are like pappy)

You walked around the forest alone and waiting for your friend to come. She/he was VERY lazy and you wish they weren't. You sighed and brushed your h/c hair out of your face. "Late again!" You tapped your foot impatiently.
"Who ya waiting for little lovely?~" you heard someone say behind you. You jumped and whipped around.
"Who are you?!" You shouted in surprise. The person standing in front of you was a tall male skeleton that had yellow eye orbs. He wore a black leather jacket and a grey sweatshirt with dark grey jeans and converse.
"Heh, I'm Gaster sans, but," he placed a hand on your chin making you flinch and look at him. "You can call me Ganz little lovely~"
"Little lovely?!" You were shocked. "I'm not lovely!!! I'm the amazing y/n!!!" Ganz chuckled.
"Heh, well...I'm still gonna call you lovely, lovely~" Ganz replied with a smirk. You blushed.
"Why are you here?" You questioned him. Ganz raised an eyebrow(?) then smirked again.
"Why do you wanna know lovely?~" he replied. "Do you like me?~" You blushed harder.
"What?! N-no! I-it's just-" Ganz cut you off.
"Because I think you do~" you felt him place his hands on your waist.
"W-what are you doing???" You stuttered. Ganz chuckled.
"Nothing~" Ganz said playfully. He pulled you closer to his chest. He was warm.
"What are you-" Ganz shushed you.
"Shh...stop questioning things~" He whispered into your ear. His voice was calming oddly. "You know," Ganz started, "your so pretty~" you blushed. "Your pretty e/c eyes....your h/c hair..." he nuzzled your cheek. "Your rosy lips~" you were a blushing mess. Suddenly he leaned in and kissed you deeply on the lips. You squeaked but oddly, you enjoyed his kiss. After a few minutes he drew back when you heard a familiar voice.
"Hey y/n! Where are you?!" It was your best friend f/n.
"I'm here!" You called. When you turned to see Ganz again, he was gone. You sighed. Whoever he was, was gone. But now, you felt something for him, a liking.

(Wow!!! Second story!! I hope you liked it! Who knows, I might continue i might not but whatever I do, I hope you like it!!! Anyway I hope you enjoyed it! BOI!!!)

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