C h a p t e r 1

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~*Chapter 1*~

Jimin's POV

"I love you Jimin"Lies

"I will never leave you, you are my everything" Lies

"I promise I will never leave you"Lies, they were all lies. Yoongi had never had feelings for him. He was just a plaything, an object used for his entertainment. Jimin felt ashamed for believing those stupid lies that came out from his mouth.

Feelings of betrayal, hurt and shame overwhelmed him when ever he thought of that day. At the dance competition between the Min's and Kim's academy. Yoongi told his love to Jimin. It had been exactly 8 years since then. Yet Jimin could not forget the way the Yoongi looked straight into his eyes when he said those three words.

How he accepted it without hesitation, how they kissed afterwards. He could not forget those precious moments with his Yoongi, who was once his. How Yoongi would buy presents every time they went on dates, how he would always reject them. How Yoongi would always force him to accept them, how they would confide each other, how they would laugh on the phone for hours about the highlights of their days.

The hugs the kisses that they exchange, did it all really mean nothing to Yoongi. Did Yoongi really not feel the slightest bit of guilt or regret when he broke up with him

Jimin shook his head trying to clear all the thoughts that we're clouding his mind. What was the point of thinking of all this stuff now anyway? It was all in the past. Focus Jimin you need to stop thinking about the past. Jimin thought as he stepped in front of the building which was where his office was.

"Good morning Mr Park !" His assistants greeted him

This is what he should be doing focusing on his job as the vice head of the company.


Authors note:
This story was my idea to make but some of the writing did not come from me it came from the other books I read. Please vote and comment. There will be slow updates, sorry! I also hated writing this one as I had to write it twice!

Not edited

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