C h a p t e r 3

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*Not edited*

~*Chapter 3*~

Jimin's POV



"Yes Yoongi?"

"Meet at our usual place in half an hour"

"Okay" Hanging up, Jimin grabbed his coat and headed towards the park.
It has been quite a while since they last met up and he was curious to find out what his lover had install for him.
However, what happens next was something he had never expected, not even in his wildest dreams.

"Hello grandpa!" Jimin greeted as he noticed Yoongi walking towards him.

"Let's break up. I don't need you anymore. You are just a toy that I've grown bored of. I have never
liked you."

"W-what? Y-yoongi? If this is some kind of joke it's not funny at all,
p-please stop."

"Do I look like I'm joking, jimin?"

"W...why... Yoongi..." Jimin's eyes began to water as he felt his heart breaking into two, did all of the love he rained on Yoongi mean nothing at all.
Jimin did not know how to react as he stood rooted to the ground, his hand unconsciously clutching his chest.
It hurt...

"I'm leaving Korea tomorrow good
bye." Jimin felt helpless as he watched Yoongi turn and walk into the distance


Jimin lay on his bed and stared at the celing. It was pass midnight and he should be sleeping now. But, Jimin found himself wide awake, thinking about the blue head the nineth time since their break up. It had been 6 years since then, yet he still could not forget him. It hurts to think of
him (Yoongi), yet part of him longed to be able to snuggle up with him again. 6 years, and he still could not get over him. To feel his warmth, to hear his steady breaths as they drift of to sleep in each others embrace. How he wish he could have that again. Pulling his blankets over his shoulders, Jimin turned over to lie on his right. He closed his eyes to try to get some sleep as silent tears slid down his face and on to his soft pillow. At least it was Saturday tomorrow and he didn't have to  wake up early to go to work.

The next morning, Jimin awoke to the sound of his phone ringing. After peering at the caller id, he picked it up the call.

"Hello Tae Tae"

"Chimchimmmmm guess what? I'm coming to Tokyo on Mondayyy.
Please come and fetch me at the airport!"

"Okay Tae! When is your flight?"

"Come to the airport at 7 pm I'll tell you more tomorrow, gotta go. Please be there Chim!

"Okay, see you Tae." Jimin crawled out of bed rubbing away the sleep from his eyes and went to the bathroom  to brush his teeth and rinse his bed hair. He the made himself a cup of hot tea before sitting himself on the couch. The house was silent, except of the occasional sound of Jimin sipping from his cup. Jimin had moved into his new house a year ago so that his parents need not waste their money taking care of him any longer. It was a small apartment but it was more then enough, considering he was the only one living there. Jimin did not really mind living alone. It was peaceful and there was a lot of privacy.

However, although he had his pet dog  Sugar ( just pretend ) for company, it could still get lonely at times. It was true that he could just ring some of his friends up and meet up with them almost anytime, except when he is at work of course, but it just didn't feel right. Sometimes, he just needed someone to be there to greet him when he comes home after a long day work and ask him about his day, someone to always be there for him whenever he needed them.

He needed Someone to fill up that emptiness in his house, and his heart...someone,  who could replace...Yoongi....

~end of chapter 3~


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