Chapter 28

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Recap: We had a voting poll last chapter and majority chose to HELP EUNBYUL


That night Areum and Eunbyul had a long decision about what had happened. Areum forgave her for her actions, as she never wanted to do any of that in the first place. Areum and Eunbyul reported her father to the police, where he got arrested for drug handling and child abuse/slavery. Eunbyul was finally free. Although she was put into a orphan home, at least it was better than what she had with her father. 

Areum and Eunbyul stayed the best of friends as if nothing had ever happened. Eunbyul got over Suga not liking her, and moved on. Areum was also getting over Jungkook but it seemed as if Jungkook was still trying to court her.

Areum POV

The next day, I had told Mingyu what had happened. He was really shocked yet not shocked at the same time since he did find her suspicious. He was also dating Jihye and in a happy relationship. Unlike me. 

I sat in class, waiting for the teacher to come in. I see Jungkook walk into the classroom and take a seat next to me. We both have not been talking for a while since I blocked him. Plus he was dating Haru now. Unless I wanted to get slapped, there was no need for me talk to him.

The class starts and Jungkook slides me a piece of paper. I scoff as I push the paper back. I see him glare at me as he opens the paper and passes it back to me. I open the paper and it reads,

'meet me at the back of the school once this class is done. this will be the last time I call you out'

I roll my eyes as pass it back to him. There is no way I'm about to go back there. Nope.

The bell rings and I start to walk out the door, trying to get to my next class as Jungkook drags me to the back of the school. We both sit down on the bench.

"What do you want this time? I want to get to class. Some people want to get an education you know?" I cross my arms.

"This will be the last time. I tried messaging you but you blocked me for some reason." he said.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because you're just selfish about how your past is suddenly exposed to someone. Your girlfriend slapped me in the face because of this so you decided to put all the blame on me? Maybe that could be the reason?" I said putting my hand on my chin, as if I was thinking about it really hard.

"Well it is your fault, my past is personal and now somebody knows it. Also I'm not dating Haru anymore."

"I showed you proof that it wasn't me who even sent you a message. I don't even care if you don't believe me at this point. That's your problem now." I turn around

"I still like you." he blurts out.

I turn around, "Do you just like blurting things out like that to get my attention?"

"Do you not like me anymore? Like did you actually get over me?"

I roll my eyes. 

Get over yourself.

"Does it really matter?"

"Well yeah it does because I like you." 

"Just find another one of your fans to date." I turn and leave the school. There was no need for me to stay here anymore. 


1 year later.


I groan as I get up for my first day of school. It was a brand new start and this was going to be the year I tried extra hard. I hope.

I get dressed as someone knocks on my door. I walk over and it was Mingyu and Eunbyul.

"Hey! Ready for school?" Eunbyul smiles.

"No. Ew. Why so you look so excited for school?" I frown. 

"Okay hurry up or we'll be late."

"Alright alright." 

I quickly get my backpack and shut the door.

We all start walking towards the school. We laugh our way all the way to the gym, where an assembly is being held. We sit together. As the principal talks about the school rules and blah blah blah, the three of us just talk about random stuff, completely ignoring him. 

It finally ends and we head outside to check which class we were in. Unfortunately, we were all in different classes. 

Narrator POV (dats me😊)

As everyone hustles to get to their corresponding room, Areum and Jungkook past each other, shoulders bumping into each other, as they completely ignore each other.  

Almost always in stories, the bad boy in the school will fall in love with the so called nerdy girl and they live happily ever after a couple of misunderstandings. The girl will change themselves for the sake of the boy to hope they will get noticed. But I guess this one, took the wrong turn. The girl who ends up liking a bad boy just because of their appearance and not because of their personalty. The girl who likes the boy even when he called her names like 'pig' and made her self esteem go down the drain. The girl who decided to confess thinking they could end up together because she thinks she knows what love is like at that age. The girl who cries herself to bed when they don't end up together and tries to kill herself over a boy who never cared to begin with. Yeah, that was Areum. Stupid right?

Although they both did like each other at one point in their life, I guess not all bad boys and good girls end up together.


the end.

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