Chapter One: Hi, My Name's Emma

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I hate school. If I had the guts to burn it down, I would. But I don't.

I remember the first day of school, not high school but primary school. I had a little blue top on with white shorts and flip-flops. My mum constantly told me how cute I looked as she twirled my almost-black hair around her finger and looked into my soul through my gray eyes. "You'll be fine, I promise" She said with a kiss. Then she was gone.


Now we're back to the crowded halls of Deworg High School with kids pushing, teachers yelling and lockers slamming. Then you have me, lying on the floor being stood on with my book scattered on the floor. This was it, I'd trip someone over and have payback. I didn't. Clearly. "Hey everyone! Homeys on the floor!" The laughter was unbearable, I stood up and ran to Childcare 107 with tears in my eyes.

"Good morning Emma, whatever is the matter?"
"Nothing, Miss Gonez"
"Please talk, we only have a matter of minuets" She said in her overly posh accent. I'm sure it was fake.
"I'm sick of being unconnected with the world" I whispered while re-doing my messy bun.
"It can't be that bad, Emma, now please take a seat and try to relax" She smiled and nodded to a seat in the far corner.
Miss Gonez was my favorite teacher, she was so nice and understanding. If you looked at her arms you could see all the pain she had hidden for years.

A tall, muscular boy walked in with a handful of books and electric blue Ray Bans. He sat next to me. Me. Can you believe it!?
"Hi, My Names Emma"

OK, so I realized that, even though this story is my first and I've thought about it for ages, The chapters will be short until I get used to it. Thanks for reading. Love you all xx

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