Chapter 9

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I sat there, antsy, fidgeting my fingers in loops and circles, using sharpened canines to gnaw anxiously at my lip.

My good buddy, Mark, who I had just blatantly flirted with, was pacing back and forth in front of me, who was sitting on the couch with crossed legs and my tail curled around myself, with whispers of words I narrowly understood pouring from his mouth. The pitch of his sentences rose and dipped as his chocolatey orbs dozed between that wooden floor and my odd, deformed state.

It didn't take a genius to see that it was discomforting for him to look at me for more than a second, his stubbly face still softly ablaze from my afore spoken words.

God, I was cringin' at the thought of myself. I could only wonder what this big ole fuck was thinkin' about me.

"So. You're some kind of anime-esque cat boy--"

"Neko," I corrected in a flash, the tip of my tail flicking left and right before me. It shocked me he even had the audacity to speak.

"R-right, neko," he repeated, and then added in a lower voice I only caught due to much more sensitive, pointed ears, "you dang weeb."

A soft chuckle, turned ugly by a cat-like hack noise came from my throat, and it hurt like a bitch clearly shown by the fact that I was coughing into my hand.

Mark cocked a brow, the corner of his mouth coming up a bit to reveal a sliver of his white teeth.

It was almost too animated for the American; usually, I was the perfect example of an expressive fellow among the two of us.

My eyes, practiced and still, trained to Mark as his mind ticked away almost painfully. At least, it was to watch.

"I'm sorry, I just don't understand how this happened," he murmured, rolling his head into his hands and rubbing at his facial structure.

I groaned, feeling those fluffy ears come forward attentively,

 "you think I understand?"

He eyed me with such conviction I just about squirmed back into the seat and curled into a ball.

"If either of us were to have understanding, Sean, it'd be you," he spoke factually, although it still rubbed me the wrong way in the smallest.

I hadn't asked to be a cat! Certainly not some cat-neko-boy thing, at that!

I merely responded to him with a flick of the tail and a leer at his face, instructing that, I, too, had no clue what was going on. Not even in the slightest.

"Alright, put your claws back in," Mark grumbled, folding his arms over his broad chest, rolling his brown eyes over to the side, where he let out a gentle breath, clearly in thought.

I merely flopped back a bit, resting against the back of the couch with a dull expression, watching Mark's movements with decaying interest. My mind was much too busy to keep a full grip on the other, and then I remembered that the house was plus one, but missing two.

"Where's Ryan and Matt?" I asked, feeling those secondary ears perk up for the millionth time. 

Mark glanced over at me, quickly, running a hand through his hair whilst the other remained over his chest.

"They got a call for a filming location after we picked up Chica, so I drove them there," he stated nonchalantly, his fingers pointing up for emphasis, "I'm glad they did, though. This will be harder on them than it has been me."

I imagined anything worse than Mark's guffaw of a reaction and became slightly disgruntled, not wanting to have to deal with that whole ordeal all over again. 

In the time that I was thinkin' to myself, Mark took a hesitant step closer, then lowered his arms and sat on the couch next to me, his hand rested on the knee closest to me as he slouched to the side and leaned on the armrest, taking solemn looks over at me from time to time.

I couldn't quite explain why, but for the first time in months, my head went blank.

In fact, all it focused on was the soft breathing of the other male, who was now painstakingly close to me; so much so, that our knees bumped and I felt my shoulders tense and tail fluff, almost noticeably so.

This whole situation was so fockin' weird that at this point I'd stopped questioning it.

"Jack, I know this must be hard for you. Heck, it's fucking hard for me and I'm not even the one who turned into a cat--"

There was a moment where I glared at him with ice-cold blues and was met instantly with sorrowful browns and a 'forgive-me' smile. I felt myself grow hotter and brought my gaze back down. Fucking L.A. weather.

"--but really, I'm sorry that it's happened and I'm sorry for demanding answers," Mark finished, then placed his hand on my knee.

All of a sudden it felt like there were bugs crawling all inside of me, like I needed to jump up and scratch, or just escape the area. 

All that and I was even still failin' to mention the heat rising--would it kill ya to have some AC, Mark!?

I gulped down a lump, then gave two separate unsure glances up at the other boy again, forcing a fluttery little smile that felt so out of character for me.

"It's--it's fine, Mark. Don't be so hard on yerself, we all take these things differently. To be fair, in your shoes, I'd do the same."

By the time I'd finished, he was looking at me with a golden smile, those lights reflecting in his eyes once more, showing his more angelic and pure side.

I just wished it didn't make me feel like I was on a rollercoaster--about to vomit from the feeling in my stomach.

It must just be this whole cat thing really setting in... I have no other explanation so I'll stick with that bull.

"So," I croaked out, fidgeting with my tail, "when will the others be back?"

The American's eyes widened softly as he stared over at the door.

"F me in the A and have a nice day," Mark mumbled, taking his hand off my knee and bringing both of his up to his face, rubbing at the flesh.

"What are we going to do about them?"

I couldn't contain a small chuckle, allowing my tail to flick beside me once more.

"I dunno--the pawsibilities are endless!"

Immediately, I felt Mark's more playful glare on me.

"Never say that again."

I smiled giddily, bumping his shoulder with my own.

"No pawmises," I laughed, hearing Mark's groan and feeling him whack my shoulder throughout my spouts of joy.

Somethin' told me I could handle this.

//A/N: Oh-woah-what'sthis? owo An update? 
Hello! My name is SeptiplierIsMyFire and I've been inactive for a whole year! That's weird, right? That I'd suddenly come back with the GAYEST update ever? Well, there it is, written in Jack's fur.
I'm so damn sorry that I've been inactive for so long. I started college in Feb this year so since then life has been hectic--but today, I remembered this and how much I wanted to update it and decided to just go for it. So, here it is. Chapter 9.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2018 ⏰

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