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This is a story of stan. stan is a simple hard working indivisual. Today was a day unlike any other. he awoke with a spitting head ache and a trashed home. By the red solo cups and unfinished lines of cocane it seemed to to have been quite a party he did not like this so he tidied up before he left for work. he pulled up parked and headed to his office he noticed that all the files were thrown on the floor. computors smashed and the office utterly demolished. "YOU!" yelled his manager "we saw the security tapes to show that you are the cause of this!" "get out! get out now!" as he was thrown from the premisis he thought "i was not the cause of this...or was i?" He tried to remember but he could not. After that news he thought he must tell his girlfriend. He drove to her place and rang the doorbell. Insted of his girlfriend answering it was his best friend who answered. Shocked and suspicios of what was going on he asked his friend what he was doing here. He simply said i think you should go. Then he heard his girlfriend yelling asking him who it was. Stan shouted its me babe. then absulute silence. She ran to the door and sucker punched stan in the face. She went on talking about some call that Stan had no memory of whats so ever. Apparently he had said some nasty things. She slammed the door in Stan's face. He stood there utterly shocked. First the party then his job and then his girlfriend what happened last night. He then knew the only place that would make him happy. His favorite sub shop that he had owed money to for a wile. He drove up to the the shop smashed windows and what looked like a grese fire in a trash can outside. A very angry shop owner looked at him then immediately started to Chance Stan. Stan drove off to save himself a lecture. Stan was angry and sad he thought of ending it all he thought of running away then he got a call. It was a man named tom he said the party the night before was "killer" he asked when the next one was. Stan thought that a party sounded good right about now although he was obviously still recovering from the last. Despite that he said tonight 8:00. He went home got dressed and people started to show. This tom knew alot of people because he filled the window to the wall with people. Couple of hours into the party stan was drunk and drugged up on so much heroin and coke that he wasn't thinking straight. He started to think of revenge plans for all the people who have wronged him today. and he called his girlfriend. she answered. He began yelling and cursing saying things like if you really like him stay with him i don't care! have ugly babies together ! then after 15 minutes of swearing he hung up and made his way to his office. He broke into the office. seeing that all the damage he supposedly had caused had been cleaned then he began to trash it once more. then another just to be sure. He broke key boards, dried up the markers, shredded the documents, and felt some dejavu as he did so. After that he got hungry and though the could go to his favorite sub shop and when he got there the place was clean and spotless clean from the damage that he saw earlier. It was closed. That wouldn't stop him so he broke down the window and mad himself a sub accidentally setting the trashcan outside a blaze(not really). Stanley then returned home then the rest was black. 

chapter 2

This is a story of stan. stan is a simple hard working indivisual. Today was a day unlike any other.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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