Out of the darkness

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During my time between earth's crust, I came to know Knox. He was my friend...my only friend.
We met when I saved his life.
Knox was a fox like none you'd ever seen. He was built of stone and had glowing green eyes. He was a warForged creature, but had a pure soul, a beating heart. 
During a day of significant lonesomeness I hear what sounded like a normal land slide
But it was followed by a deep Yelp and growl. Upon inspection I found him in one of my abandoned Tunnels  under a sizable balder. I noticed his stone body and glowing eyes, he was looking at me growling. I'm no great healer although he looked to be of my kind something about him made me doubt that I could use the Same practices on him. I decided it would be best to put him out of his misery. No point in drawing it out. I took out my dager and walked over to his neck. Then on his neck I saw the name Knox carved on his collar. I said it allowed, "Knox..." Knox stopped snarling and his eyes got wider  and he began whimpering.
I put my hand on his head. "There there" I  said in a calm tone "I guess...I guess I'm going to help you." A helpless creature with a name was to much to over look. With my pick axe and got to work. This proved to be tasking. Each hit had to be precise. If I hit the wrong spot to hard I could cause a cave in and kill us both. The whole time Knox never looks away from me. He stared at me in silence, only letting out a small whimper now and then. I would stop every so often to check on him. He seem be okay. In pain and dying... But okay. Finally, he was free. I slid him out. He attempted to stand but yelped and collapsed. Now that he was free I saw the true extent of the damage. His stone leg dangled limp only held by a few remaining roots. There were many strands torn apart and a large one that was split open. Brown sap slowly oozed out. I approached him and gently rapped his leg with my scarf. I didn't know how to heal him or even care for a creature like him. At this point in my life it had been more than 2 years  since I'd been on the surface. I was admittedly scared to return. I held him in my arms.... I knew someone on the surface could help him. I had to go. He could make it. I lifted him up and started the Journey up. I found my covered exit. The earth had already started to take it back with roots and mud. I emerged and gasped. The light burned my eyes. The sound of the wind and near by stream slamming my ears. I almost passed out.  I looked down at Knox and he licked my face. He saw the pain I felt. My head was spinning, but I regained my feet. I started to control my breathing. A time passed and then i started west.
The nearest town was at least 8 miles away. At first I was moving slowly being carful not to fall over. These lands were mostly empty, but there was still a chance I could encounter a raider or gang of Thieves on my way. I could t fend off anyone in the state I was in. This made me pick up speed. On the horizon I saw the town of Tanlock I dim my eyes to seem approachable. In town I found the fist person I could see and said to him. "You need to help me. He's hurt. Who can help him?" The man was taken back by the situation. He looked us up and down and started to say " I'm not sure--"
"PLEASE." I blurted loosing control for a moment. " you can't imagine what it took to get him here" the man's eyes softened. "He looks pretty bad..."
"Follow me" he took me to an old man who claimed he had fought along side them a long time ago. The old man said he had never seen something like Knox before.
He told me to wait outside and allow him to work. I looked at Knox who's eyes had dimmed significantly.  Looking at the man I nod. I walked out side and felt ill again. "Curse the sky" I said to myself. I look at the house and see that it is elevated. On my belly I crawl under the house. I found the darkness comforting, and the house muffled the sounds of the town. I pass out. When my eyes open next I feel something nudging my face. It was Knox. He looked at me for a moment and then starts to walk out from under the house. I notice his now nicely bandaged leg. I follow him in side the old mans house. " I did what I could for little Knox here." The old man said smiling at Knox. "He's going to be okay?" I asked
"As long as you rub this on his leg once a day for 6 months or so just to make sure the root stays healthy it's already reattaching itself to him." He replied, handing me a jar of green liquid. "This I can do." I said patting the stone fox's head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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