welcome to my plot shop.

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hello !
and welcome to my plot shop.

so since i'm really lazy and don't have time to write these days because of school -- i've decided to share with you guys random plot ideas of mine that just pop into my head.

- you MUST message me to claim a plot. Please do not comment on the chapter that you want asking to claim it. Most likely I will not see your comment.
- complete all payments
- you may change some parts of the plot and/or characters or title.

- vote on the chapter of the plot you wish to use.
- give me a follow.
- if you do choose to use one of my plots, please give credit in the description or on the first chapter, anywhere really.

if someone has asked for a plot and I have replied yes, i will mark the plot as reserved and when they publish the story, it will be claimed. if the story is not published within a month however, it will no longer be reserved. more than one person can use a plot, just ask me first then it's cool.

if you have reserved a plot and you know you will be going on a hiatus, inform me so that i may keep the plot open for you.

also, if you lose motivation or interest in a plot, notify me so i can leave it open for whoever else wants it !


• = reserved / taken
° = open

thanks, enjoy!

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