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Nolan: JOOOOHHNN!!!!!
Mike enters Nolan's office door.
Mike: You rang boss?
Nolan throws a document at Mike.
Nolan: I needed stories John, not conspiracies.
Mike reads the paper and sees a column talking about how the Rejects are causing more problems then solving them, and it was written by Mike.
Mike: Um boss, this ain't the story I gave you.
Nolan: Well it was on my desk this morning and the letter attached to that document was your handwriting.
Mike: What letter?
Nolan gives Mike a letter and Mike reads it out loud.
Mike: "Here you go boss, something to make you rethink your chose about how the Rejects are the good guys. Signed John Black." Boss this ain't my handwriting.
Nolan: What do you mean?
Mike: See the n's?
Mike shows Nolan the letter.
Nolan: Yeah what about them?
Mike: They're spelt the right way. I always spell my n's backwards.
Nolan: So someone is trying to hurt your rep?
Mike: I don't-
Mike then notices a red dot on the back of Nolan's head.
Mike: GET DOWN!!
Mike pushes Nolan away from the window as a bullet come flying through it.
Mike: Stay down boss.
Mike goes towards the now broken window to see Slayer standing on top of the building across from Mike. Slayer then runs off and Mike clenches his fist.

(where Jayden is)

Jayden: Todd?
Todd: Yeah?
Jayden: Why am I the only one who works here?
Todd: Cause I prefer only having one or two employees I can trust.
Jayden: I meant why do I always do everything?
Jayden is sweeping the floor while Todd is sitting behind the counter reading Nolan's newspaper.
Todd: Cause I'm lazy.
Jayden: *sighs* Can you at least help out?
Todd: Yeah, mop's in the back behind the tinfoil.
Jayden: Not what I meant.
Todd: Well it's good for a guy who's about to get married to work his butt off before he has children.
Jayden: Wh-who said anything about having children?
Todd: Just go get the mop.
Jayden: Fine.
Jayden walks towards the back door and opens it and goes to where the tinfoil is. Just as he's about to grab the mop, he feels a sharp needle stab his neck.
Jayden: Ah!
Jayden turns around to see Mad Hatter and Wildebeast standing behind him.
Jayden: How'd you get in here?
Mad Hatter: I stop time Jayden. Put two and two together.
Wildebeast: Oh and don't worry. We aren't staying long, just wanted to give you a wedding gift. Toodles.
Jayden blinks for one second and they are gone.
Jayden: What the fuck?

(Nelson's church)

Jess: I can't believe you work at a church.
Jess and Frank are helping Nelson give food to the homeless.
Nelson: Well I looked like an angel and my suit nowadays looks like a pastor suit so hey why not work at a church.
Frank: At least you can help people when you aren't being a superhero.
Nelson: True.
All of a sudden an explosion appeared at the doors to the church.
Nelson: What the fuck?
Whip walks into the church and all the homeless people try running away but Whip impales them with his tendrils. Nelson takes off his jacket and his metal wings appear.
Nelson: You dare attack me in a holy place?!
Whip: This is a demonstration of what we can do. We know who you are, where you work, who your friends are. This is just a message.
Jess: And that is?
Whip turns around walks out of the church.
Whip: You are never safe.
Nelson flies out but Whip was already gone.
Frank: This is so fucked up.
Jess: Definitely.

The Rejects Volume 5: Divergence (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now