Chapter 2

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Scrambling to get all of their things, the train pulled over and everyone fell over with a big 'thump'.  It was so crowded and crazy as everyone pushed their way out the train door. The black coloured barriers were closed but opened once they scanned their train tickets. Hermione was first then Harry and last of all was Ron.

Soon after, a figure came strolling in. This was their leader. Harry panicked and his heart was beating fast as he followed the rest of the students behind. It was becoming very dark and
gloomy and it felt like they were walking for hours and hours. 

'Ahhhhh' students were gasping as they saw something horrendous and dreadful in front of them. Harry figured out that it was the academy.

First step at Hogwarts was Ok for Harry but he still felt uncomfortable.
'This is very strange' Hermione and Ron whispered at the same time.
It was time for them to explore the humongous school . All of a sudden, something flashed by between the two corridor doors. Everyone froze like a bird stuck in ice.
" over there".  Two dark horns glistened in the darkness as well as a silk black cape strolling behind. We noticed that this person was not only wearing all black but this person was staring right at Harry.

He then knew that this was not the end...😱

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