this is legit the stupidest thing ever but ive been so depressed today because i wasn't invited to a birthday party. it's my ex gf's (we're still frens) and she was able to invite 5 people. she invited her best friend 1, best friend 2, friend 1, good friend 1 and good friend 2. im waaaay overreacting but if you knew the shitty week ive had, you ,, actually wouldnt understand idk,, i felt excluded, unwanted, unimportant and unloved. "but enid,," you say, "this is stupid !!" i k n o w. and this makes me feel stupid. which lowers self confidence. then my day got better!! my dad told me i could see IT with my best friend !! and i got $50 !! all was well until my friend told me she might not be able to go, and i got disappointed. this is dumb, i know, but its a vent book.